Monday, March 22, 2021

Prince heads north

Once again I was awake before Miss H at 6:15 which I think she knows when I wake as she then came in but today laid on the floor for a bit then headed back out. I thought she must be at the door but sure enough she was in her kennel so I left her there till she signaled she wanted out at 6:45. I put her in the garage then back to bed. The sleep was not like yesterday  but still happy I had it. I fed her around 8:30 as S made coffee and back to bed. Our first cup was relaxing in bed then on with the day. Looks like another windy day ahead.

S was up to do her computer work at the island with a cappuccino. We all had raisin bran like a little healthy family. I got a few marketing things done for the start of a new week. I had S help me carry in the dresser now that it done and just awaiting new hardware. Of course I added some more dark wax to it and the nightstand and put it downstairs.

I rearranged things in the garage trimming the mandevilla that seems to be waking up too? I repaired the desk leg and moved it out of the way and scrubbed up a couple frames to work on. I had S come help me load the big dresser on a dolly I freed up then tip and remove the crazy packing slats. The hardware was removed and everything was scrubbed thoroughly and left to dry while I went in for lunch of tuna sandwiches S made.

this is the dresser with the wild cat scratches!!

I went back out to wood fill all the scratches and top groove of the dresser. S took Harley for a walk and play some ball then they both had a rest. I was scrubbing up brushes when Shaina left for the gym before 2. Time to get back working on the tutorials as there are lots to write. S packed up and was on his way to the airport passing thru town to look at a rental place from the outside around 2:30. The custom white table tutorial was finished, published and shared where needed.

The sun did come out today for a bit and it did get up to plus 12 before lunch but at 4 it covered over and looked threatening with brief bit of random snow flakes falling not long after. Brr.. ugly windy and not a nice day out at all. However in the city it is snowing and never got as warm as us so will take our weather.

Shaina was back after 5 bringing me a requested chai for the cooler weather, thanks!! I proceeded to cook her and I the cheesy meatballs and cavatappi noodles. Mid cooking I fed Harley who was hungry too. Shaina gave this recipe a high 9+ as did we. I was just doing pots and pans when B arrived. She put the kitties away after Coop did his thing and the dogs played for a bit then was off home to eat as I had no left overs.

Then I was onto taxes for S. I got the reports he needs for personal and Creative Moments off Money and sent to him, he adds to his spreadsheet for the accountants. A shower then into bed with a bowl of popcorn roomie Shaina popped for me and watched dog feeding videos.

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