Sunday, March 7, 2021

Lovely Family Sunday

H was up at 6:30 so I let her out to do her business then tucked her back in kennel till 8 am for breakfast :) It is a beautiful sunny non windy day! S got coffee going serving the first cup in bed. I jumped in shower quick then did a wee bit of marketing before making crepes and cutting fresh fruit. K and S were rousted up at 10 to enjoy them. Britt arrived to get hers hot too. 

We played cards until Sheldon had to go show the rental to a couple and Britt was off to Costco for groceries. K, S and I played cards before K sugared both Shaina and my eyebrows. THANKS again K for your great personal hair removal care. S was back around 2:30 to join everyone for a snack and beverage. I took H for a walk after the dogs had a rest and S joined me. It was soooo nice out, just like spring hitting PLUS 9. Shaina had some programs to do while K took a shower.  Back at the house we chipped more on the firepit ice block had a margarita while I brushed Harley in the sunshine. Then S and I gave her a bath outside and inside to dry.

these two love playing ball

The girls took Lexi to town to walk and will return with Chinese food at 6. I worked on the blog while S went to fill skid steer with fuel and finish hooking up air hose. We all enjoyed Chinese once they were back just before 6. THANKS Shaina for "cooking" supper tonight! Kaylin and Lexi headed back to the city after 6:30, nice having you for a visit my lovely! XOXO S put kitties away then down to TV room for another Flames game. Shaina was off to her room to do whatever and I got yesterdays blog finished and posted and worked on todays with my iPad and episodes of Blown Away. I LOVE blown glass!! I headed to bed around 8:30 and started a new series called Firefly Lane.

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