Saturday, March 13, 2021

Another dresser sold and pink ball found

So it is not Harley waking me, again I was awake before 5:30 with her sound asleep. The good thing is tomorrow it will be 6:30 after tonight's time change. I tossed and turned and fell back asleep only to be woke by a couple barks at 6:30. Of course there was nothing visible but let her out to pee and see then around to garage to rest till breakfast. But back in bed I could not sleep again. I did try another melatonin gummies for last few weeks that obviously did not work but last night I tried yet another sleeping supplement. I will give review after a week but did feel a bit more solid sleep till 5:30. On the upside of early I got a message from the tall dresser lady who passed wanting to know if it was still available! If I can deliver it, she will take it. She lives in Strathmore so yes I sure can but there is a caveat that she means delivered into said bedroom with a mask of course. Great way to start my day, she even sent a 50% deposit.

Harley enjoyed her breakfast then we let the cats out into the sunshine. It looks like another amazing day ahead. I best finish my second cappuccino and get out to the garage and get painting!! First up I hauled the dresser drawers outside to sand. It is zero so a bit brisk but I got them done and hauled back in. Wouldn't you know it hauling the last two drawers I dinged one corner on the door and snapped it off. Out came the wood glue and clamps. Then I brushed on the clear sealer over everything but the repaired corner.

The neighbor text the nightstand was ready so I loaded Harley up at 11:30 and we grabbed it then looped thru town. I grabbed some booze restock since on sale and a tea with beef bun for lunch and headed home. Stopping to get the mail and toss the trash I collected up this am on our way home and back to the ranch by 12:30. Britt was here trying to get the water to work to the arena but it seems frozen yet underground. 

The missing veneer on the front edge is oak but it looks ok don't you think?

I unloaded and ate my lunch then headed out to put the ranger back. She was now harrowing the arena but had the big door closed and a total sand storm going. I moved horses out of the paddock and locked them out and opened the big door for circulation. It was PLUS 14 sunny but windy again so more poop has been revealed. I grabbed the shovel and bucket and looped the yard. I was still looking everywhere for the pink ball when I thought how about under the front stairs; like under the actual stairs not deck where Lola used to love. Sure enough there it was! The lost is found. B ran back to town for a late lunch leaving Cooper then back to pick him up an hour later. She had also washed Bird's winter blanket it and hung it out to dry.

I got busy painting and staining the nightstand after finishing the last of the old finish scraping and sanding. Leaving it to dry I put another coat of clear of the sanded to wood areas on the dresser and washed up the brush. Time for a beer and some chips as now 3:30. At 4 I took Harley and the kittens for a long walk opening the winter pasture gate for the horses then back to get the yard hot wire up. There is only snow left near the fence lines or behind buildings after this warm spell. The bees are out starting yesterday, spring is on its way. Back at the house I hosed her off and let her dry.

these 2 are comical

Supper was a salad again as too lazy to cook then H got hers wolfing it down in minutes. I went and put the cats away as the sun was setting for the last 6:30 soon to be 7:30 sunset. I gave them some raw deer. Did you know cats require raw meat in their diet? Good thing ours catch mice.. I hope LOL. I worked on the blog and marketing trying to promote my giveaway while listening to raw diet podcasts. Then to bed to read the book.

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