Saturday, September 30, 2023

Cork gets married

see the owl ? lower branch on left tree across from drinking bison?

Coffee was enjoyed watching bison come for water and an owl on patrol. The rain was off and on. We showered and packed up as heavier rain started to come down. I felt a cold coming on for last few days. My throat was starting to really hurt more in the night. Dam! S took the memorable backroads part way to Kindersley. He grabbed a sub before we headed to Corey’s at 12:30. A quick hello to the bride and groom and Coralee then we set up the trailer. It was drizzly and cold. Perfect time to cozy up and start Fast & Furious 9 in the heated recliners. 

A drive to Tim’s for a hot tea and an orange sprinkle Indigenous Awareness fundraiser donut. The wedding ceremony was held at the Herschel barn about 45 min further east. It poured on the way there and sadly changed the whole plans for the 7 pm moonlight ceremony. Non the less the event went off with Cork marrying Danielle under a grain bin pergola in the rain. How fitting. 

Coralee giving her Dad away <3

Back to the backyard where the festivities were to take place. We changed to warmer clothes. S had leftover steak dinner to hold him over. Once the crowd arrived the party began. The drizzly rainy evening did not stop the fun. Food was served in the enclosed deck and the backyard had 2 fire pits ablaze.

Corey says his new ring feels odd as never wore one before.

newlyweds dancing in the rain <3 video

I returned to the trailer around 11:30 to get a beverage but ended up falling asleep watching a bit of Selling OC while I warmed up. S arrived till 2 am when all finally shut it down.

Friday, September 29, 2023

AV Campout

H awaits her breakfast patiently

B was coming in the yard as S was going over to Matt's after 9. He worked on another project - this one truck electrical issues. I packed stuff to load in the trailer for the weekend. This included a freshly dug potato/carrot pack. I also picked a few zucchini’s in case the weather goes south while we re gone. We decided to break up the drive with a camp night at the Valley. S was back after 10 to help. B relaxed with her coffee surfing the net. She will stay and care for Harley this w/e. THANKS B!!

Once all was loaded we were off before noon. We picked up our favorite Opa to eat on the drive. We hit rain about Snells but ended before Mom and Dads. I was also shocked at the now fully constructed windmills. They are such an eyesore but get the revenue they bring farmers in the area. Our drive looped us thru Oyen for fuel before arriving at the Carey farm campsite around 3:30. It was beautiful, sunny with no wind!! We set up camp and enjoyed a beverage in the sunshine. 

The weather stayed lovely but looked dark to the west. The bison came in later for water. S wanted to demo his bison communication skills. We sourced deadfall from in the trees and stacked.

storm clouds to the west

video view

Sheldon's bison communication skills video

We cooked up the steak supper I had prepped. Delicious! A fire of course was enjoyed even when the rain did come in. As the night darkened under a full moon and the rain came down the yard power pole transformer lit up the night. Not once but 6 times. It was crazy to see. soon after the power was completely out. S called ATCO and they were out in a fairly timely manner. The linesman had it fixed and we were back in power which was going to be needed for the fireplace/furnace to warm the trailer. 

storms a coming closer

Fire and moonlight.. very cool night

About 1 am we let the fire burn own and moved inside to the warmth as the rain picked up. This led to a 2 hour dance party reminiscing so many old memorable tunes. 

Thursday, September 28, 2023

2 girls for supper

Another beauty fall day ahead. The cedar chest was sanded and oiled inside with a glue repair. I have had a few inquire about price and need to get it decided.

B fed Bird, S did his zoom exercise class and I wrote a Hometalk post for the bar stools. They need to sell! I also did one for the black jewelry chest that needs to sell too. Blog and tutorials were worked on next.

B was off to have her nails redone at noon. S and I caught the news with a tuna sandwich. The clouds rolled in as I watered my garden and pots. S was to town before 2. He took trash and needs to get a new door knob for shop before shinny. I continued with my blog updates. Britt and Shaina both rolled in at 2:45.

Mr Jenkins has a very sore back left foot so is on antibiotics and on bed rest in garage.

pot of gold is nearby

S was back home before 5 as I cooked up B's last HF meal. Pork burgers which were very tasty. We ate early as Shaina had a call at 6 and I my lash appointment. B took a load of stuff to her new sorority housing. After her call Shaina finished tidying her room!!! YAHOO! She and B both headed off at 7:30. Shaina to her high rise and B along with Gulliver & Cooper to their new place for the night. S watched the Blue Jays win then hit the hot tub. No tub after lashes for me. I gave J his evening pill and searched up and ordered an electric cooler.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

S gets new skates

Harley went out after 8. The day looks promising. I forgot her bone broth packaging last night, oops. This was the first chore of the day after feeding her. S and I had our coffee in the hot tub this am seeing it was so lovely out. B ran to town for a haircut from Amanda. The buyer is still trying to get the pieces. Persistent for sure. But clearly more scamming.

S BBQ’d hot dogs for lunch. B is prepping to move south. She pondered coming with us to Airdrie but stayed to possibly  move. S and I set out before 2. He is determined to get new skates. This is my early Christmas gift to him. I left him at Hockey life fitting skates and was off to find a jeweler. His chain had a broke clasp. I found a gold smith and left it to be fixed in the hour. S had moved to Sport Check but found the skates he thought he wanted not comfy. Back to hockey life to get a different pair that fit much better. He had them heat molded to his feet and we left them to be sharpened.

While we waited we enjoyed a refreshment and snacks at Milestones. The chain was picked up followed by the skates. Costco was our next stop. We had thought about. Movie but there really is nothing calling to spend $40 to see. Costco was a light load with a sundae to share on the ride home. It was spitting as we left but soon let up.

Back at the ranch before 8 B was here. It did not work to move in today so will go tomorrow. She did get a ride in today. I wiped out the fridge before putting in the Costco supplies. S bagged the frozen goods. It was time then to crawl into bed to relax, read and catch up todays blog. I was pretty sure S was going to sleep with his skates like he did when he 10 with his new Bobby Orr skates. H did not but he did again how excited he is to try them tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Scammer? or legit buyer?

After our usual start to the day I got busy with marketing, blogging & tutorial work. S spent the morning on the phone with people then to his biweekly zoom class at 11. B continued her month of relaxation. I have had a person requesting info on products. Some of the conversation has felt spammy but some felt legit. Today they added to their order so I hauled out the items, wrapped and found a box to fit. Got the shipping quotes. They then asked to have art sent to add to the parcel. From Okotoks… hmmmm No sorry. OK how much? I give the total and they say they can not e transfer as they are US citizen?? And don’t have PayPal but they can send a check. A check you say, ok! They then wanted to send the check photos via email…. I now know it is a scam but tease the along. Eventually after more back and forth chat they claim the check in a Canadian check. Well if you have a Canadian checking account you can e-transfer - goodbye. Now to put all the stuff way and be disappointed it was not legit. What a waste of my time ;(

After a bite of leftovers for lunch I ran to town to help Dad with lunch. He was having an “excellent” day he said. Amanda stopped to drop our Badger discount pack. she and I visited while dad napped in his room. The morning was ugly, windy and overcast but now the sun peeked thru. I had a dr appointment, dropped off a library book and grabbed a jug of milk.

The wind howled on way to ranch. S came in from the shop. He had retrieved his clothes out of the trailer, put the merc Alberta plate on his truck and cut some more angle iron. This piece was pounded in by a broken fence post near the house. B had found Bird lost a shoe so searched for it. She had S help her hookup the harrows while she looked. Eventually she found it near the road. She left off and was in her room. We had a cold refreshment.

I cooked another HF meal- chipotle turkey rice bowl. My bowl looked lots different than the other 2 without peppers, cucumbers and onions. It was spicy!! But S loved it. He had a cancer zoom webinar he listened to as we ate and after. Usual evening of TV, computer work, hot tub, reading and Netflix. Britt mixed it up making oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Yum!

Monday, September 25, 2023

Merc gets a new family

Hot steaming coffee delivered to S in bed. The day looks to be promising but it was short lived. The wind picked up blowing in clouds. Great day to continued indoor fall cleaning. The floors got a proper vacuum and scrub. Bathroom toilets were deep cleaned. Rugs washed. The fireplace ashes cleaned out and vacuumed. B dyed my eyebrows, tinting while I worked. Laundry has continued for a couple days too. Boring old chores.

What the heck!! This little muffin has mastered the roll at 3 months

S was off for shinny after lunch He went a bit early to drop off the tools he borrowed from County Auto. After shinny he will meet the new buyer for the merc. The boat will be missed. This old car was our luxury liner to Disneyland in 2000. Shaina always yearned to own it after Grama P let her drive when young going to the fields. She purchased it from Papa for $1 as her first car. She tells stories of how many friends she could fit in it. (I think it was 8! not including trunk) It kept her safe floating safely into a few ditches after she went off icy roads. It still has the barb wire scratches after she drifted into our fence going out the gate.

Brittany even drove it for a few years as well but found it too big for her liking. Hence her move to a little Jetta. She did fit 4 friends in the trunk just for fun! B headed to town at 2:30 to get the jetta's oil changed.

I finished up the cleaning then wrote a tutorial for the red peg rack. Then to post on all the sites. Fall is when many people add new pieces to their homes. Hoping to move a few things from my products ready to go. Hello Fresh was delivered. Perfect since hot dogs were on the supper list tonight. S dropped the merc off at the new owner's. He is a Ukrainian refugee (with wife and son) who has been here for 9 months. 

B and S were back after 4:30. I cooked up the first HF meal; pork pesto pasta. Very tasty. Our evening hot tub roll continued. I had the usual yogurt bowl but made S piece of apple pie topped with yogurt/fruit/granola. We read for our evening entertainment. 

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Renn snuggle Sunday

S made coffee and porridge today. Mom headed in to see Dad after 9 and will head home before lunch. S walked to gate to get merc and go to church. B and I headed to Airdrie area where she scored 6 hay feed nets. We then stopped at Kaylin’s for a visit at 11:30. She kindly sugared my legs too, THANK YOU! Renn woke not long after we got there and had oats of smiles for us. B and I wrangled Beans to trim his nails and she cleaned his face folds for them.

her thumb!!

what a cutie!

Just before we arrived we saw this.. how many city employees does it take to oil fill cracks? Apparently 5... the guy doing it, his hose holder, the power cord holder and oil cart pusher as well as a supervisor!! On the other side at power box there was 6 standing watching!! Efficient use of tax payers money

The day started overcast and cool but now the sun was out. This made the day so much better. We stopped at Starbucks. B bought us a pumpkin cold brew. Thanks B! She was not a fan but I didn’t mind it. Back at the ranch S was sitting on the deck after watching the Blue Jay's win. He also has a buyer for the merc too. We both had a quick bowl of potato salad.

Back to fall cleanup. He cleaned out the chimney while I dug thistles and weeds. I put away most of the summer decor ;( Next we worked on the flower bed retaining wall again. The best option is to completely tear it down at the back and rebuild with brick but that will be a next year project. For now we went with a post brace cut to fit.

S dug under 2 gates and put in wire. B went to map out her new room at Grady and Amber’s. I cleaned all food and clothes out of trailer.

B and I rode bareback around the hay field in the golden hour. S was on the deck working on his laptop catching the same golden rays. 

We even exercised the others for part of the loop.

I soaked in the hot tub. S joined after he was done computer tasks. He then watched sports and I read my book in bed.