Friday, September 29, 2023

AV Campout

H awaits her breakfast patiently

B was coming in the yard as S was going over to Matt's after 9. He worked on another project - this one truck electrical issues. I packed stuff to load in the trailer for the weekend. This included a freshly dug potato/carrot pack. I also picked a few zucchini’s in case the weather goes south while we re gone. We decided to break up the drive with a camp night at the Valley. S was back after 10 to help. B relaxed with her coffee surfing the net. She will stay and care for Harley this w/e. THANKS B!!

Once all was loaded we were off before noon. We picked up our favorite Opa to eat on the drive. We hit rain about Snells but ended before Mom and Dads. I was also shocked at the now fully constructed windmills. They are such an eyesore but get the revenue they bring farmers in the area. Our drive looped us thru Oyen for fuel before arriving at the Carey farm campsite around 3:30. It was beautiful, sunny with no wind!! We set up camp and enjoyed a beverage in the sunshine. 

The weather stayed lovely but looked dark to the west. The bison came in later for water. S wanted to demo his bison communication skills. We sourced deadfall from in the trees and stacked.

storm clouds to the west

video view

Sheldon's bison communication skills video

We cooked up the steak supper I had prepped. Delicious! A fire of course was enjoyed even when the rain did come in. As the night darkened under a full moon and the rain came down the yard power pole transformer lit up the night. Not once but 6 times. It was crazy to see. soon after the power was completely out. S called ATCO and they were out in a fairly timely manner. The linesman had it fixed and we were back in power which was going to be needed for the fireplace/furnace to warm the trailer. 

storms a coming closer

Fire and moonlight.. very cool night

About 1 am we let the fire burn own and moved inside to the warmth as the rain picked up. This led to a 2 hour dance party reminiscing so many old memorable tunes. 

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