Tuesday, September 12, 2023

What's that sound?

5:57 am - high pitched beeps began. I woke S who found a detector battery low. Once battery changed he was back to sleep. We had the usual start to the day with B up first making coffee and breakfast. She is in charge of Timba care for the next 10 + days.

It is a beautiful 20 degree day. Perfect for yard clean up. I picked, pruned and pulled a wagon full. B cleaned out horse trailer poop then off to town. S was on the deck on his laptop. I looked out and saw a coyote right in the horse herd along east fence. It just stood amongst them. S got his gun and snuck around the winery trees. His shot was a miss, darn. He did track it over to the canal. But no luck.

This funny cat action video was from a couple days back 

I chowed down a bologna sandwich and worked on marketing. Tutorials were worked on as well as last touchups on the market pieces damaged. Britt was back as S was leaving. He went to the city to source a door for B's car from a salvage yard. I headed back out in the beautiful sunshine to continue pruning and picking. I pulled out a basement bathroom drawer that was sticking. I sanding the underside but found the solution in a leveling screw on each side!

I started another new project. A wooden frame and base I planned to make into a tray. The pretty rice paper was cut and glued in place. Later in the day the edges were trimmed and more clear coat added to the top.

B went out to feed Bird then ride Roo as I was cooking her 2nd HF meal- chicken Milanese salad. I ate mine while chicken was hot. S arrived home from the city. He ate leftover roast bison dinner. B was not in till later for her meal. After supper I worked on new Etsy posts and tutorials.

B's new door

She did Timba care, bath Cooper then to her room. I went for a soak in the hot tub. It was a beautiful night. Oh My. S came for a bit then to TV room for sports. I relaxed with Netflix.

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