Sunday, June 10, 2018

RAIN RAIN you are so welcome here

I woke at 5 to the sound of rain, yahoo!! Thank you Jesus. And it continued on and off all day, the socked in kind of grey rainy day but this is so welcome and perfect for a Sunday. A cup of creamed coffee and onto the days chores; marketing, many loads of laundry, making homemade turkey soup as well as 3 loaves of banana bread.

I put on the now dry copper hardware I sprayed last night and staged the end table.

The rain let up around 1, the same time Britt got up. She got home after 8 this morning and hit the sheets. ;) She did go out and hay all the horses and herb the 2 dark girls, thanks B. She then was claiming room cleaning but there was no vacuum or other busy noises LOL.

The sun then popped out for a couple hours even but eventually clouded over and as we finished up our steaming bowl of soup the rain started again around 6. I had checked this afternoon and we had 3.5/10ths. Bring on some more as the puddles were nearly all soaked up now.  Time for a soak in the tub and watch some Netflix.

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