Thursday, May 31, 2018

RAIN ... finally

I awoke to rain, yeah. B was rustling around the kitchen and out the door by 7. Soon after I fell back asleep only to be awoke by Lolas bark, seems B thought she needed out. I tried to get back to sleep but eventually decided to just get up and get coffee ready. Deb had been up for awhile and joined me for coffee and visit. Sheldon enjoyed a sleep in and joined in later.

Deb and I went to town at 11 to shop Walmart. Mom met us there at noon and we went to Roadhouse for lunch. We took Sheldon left overs and continued the visit there. A nice afternoon of visiting ensued which moved into a delicious sausage supper.

The Paetz family came out to join us too.

 Sheldon and I ran out with him tossing the horses hay and me herbing up the girls. Britt was home around 9 after work and a work supper. Mom headed home before 9:30 with the Paetz's a bit after. The 4 of us spent the rest of the evening watching The Greatest Showman.

one wet and muddy dog

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