Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day

Another sunny day but WINDY.. yuck. Good thing I will be inside teaching a private paint class for part of the day. Happy Mothers Day Mama K and Mom W XOXOXO I hope you have a fabulous day full of sunshine, flowers and happiness.

I was up at 8 and made coffee, B joined me at 9:30 before she started her room tidy and laundry. The paint class lady arrived early and we got going but did have a quick break while the fellow for the last of the perennials arrived after 10 to get his box. For the next near 3 hours she transformed her antique half moon table from old wood to classy black,

She was off after 12:30 and I got everything cleaned up and put away. B made us chicken quesadillas for a late lunch then she ran to town for a few errands. I had an Etsy sale come in last night for the mens valet so got it all boxed up.

B was back in an hour or so and hit her room to watch Netflix. Well I guess I will go do what I love so out to turn soaker hose on garden and paint the 2 stools grey. I checked back in on B and she was sleeping. I went out and moved 4 horses into the small pen to mow lawn, turn off the water and paint the 2nd coat on the stools. K & S text they were on their way out and would grab Chinese, yay!

During paint class this am I used the blue spice rack as a demo for black wax so brought it in and snapped a few pictures.

The girls arrived after 7, seems the line up for take out was a 45 minute wait but it was worth it. Britt even woke to join us ;) She put her 2 blacks in with the others.

the dogs having a great time

Then we headed out to the deck to play games. The silly wind had finally let up making for a gorgeous evening.

It did get brisk as the sun started to set so we moved the horses back and went inside. The city girls headed home (after bathing poop covered Lexi) after 10:30. THANKS girls for the lovely evening XOXOXOXO

Kaylin's fun instamatic pics

When I went to bed I found she left me this, awe <3

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