Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Dandelion day

Cool and overcast and hoping for rain. All were slow to get going even with coffee but eventually S was off to town after 11 on errand run and I worked on marketing while B sat in front of TV and laptop on her day off (which translates to do nothing day)

trying to find a frame for a customer

On of his errands was to grab a skunk trap for that cat. He was back after 1 with burgers for lunch, lots of parts & new yard toys, a few groceries too. He caught a nap while I sat on hold to get a new CO2/fire detector that crapped out. He bought one but they are warrantied for 10 years so Kidde is sending a new one out stat ;) The sun started to peek thru now but with crazy clouds.

Once up and at it he graded the road while I picked dandelions from the island for the horses. I got 6 huge loads and they ate them up lickety split. Win Win! B ran to town while we worked ;) Once back rode her horse, roached her mane, fed her herbs then she prepped for ball.. meaning shower and gussy up hahaha I gave herbs to Switch and tossed hay to all the ponies while S enjoyed the paper for a break.

B was off to ball as we prepped supper, yummy favorite tacos. I wet the arena and rode Switch while S sharpened the lawn mower blades and then clipped it down. I was his bone/toys/hose moving minion. Time for a hot soak and relax time. The yard looks tidy with 500 less dandelions and mowed, yeah.

ever try a selfie with a horse in a dark barn? hahaha well lets just say it is delayed with the flash making for silly pics

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