Tuesday, May 8, 2018

cleaning day

The cat was back in the night, this time I just hissed out the window and he took off.. to the barn to perhaps eat all the food ;( I was wide awake at 6 am, why? B was up and rustling around the kitchen about 6:30 and headed off to work soon after. I caught up on work stuff, sure ppl will wonder why I was replying at 630 am ;) Then it was last minute tidy before the cleaning gal arrived at 9.

She got to work and I headed out to the garage. Lots of little things were done but nothing huge. Gluing and spray painting (each time I went out it decided to sprinkle) and rebuilding the one stool that was dog chewn. I saw this last night when I unloaded ;( The dogs and horses had fun in the overcast chillier day with its occasional sprinkles, I did venture out in the intermittent weather to plant my garlic bulbs.

3 rungs were chewed on so lots of fill and sanding ahead

This was scrubbed up to paint

deconstruction and gluing process

I cleaned and sorted things in the garage and posted them for free and messaged a few painter friends if they wanted pieces too. Time to purge even more projects I may not get to.

Cleaning was finished up 6 1/2 hours later about 3:45. It is always so nice to have all rooms clean at once. Shaina arrived at 4 and promptly napped feeling sick still. I woke her at 5, she ate a bit and was off to boot camp by 5:30. B was home before 7 washing Coopers feet before bringing him in. I had pizza ready for us.

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