Friday, April 26, 2013

730 - Brittany gets her drivers License!!

Day 730 started in chaos, as Britt went to get on bus at 730 she saw Sheldon took the car to work. She wanted to take it for her drivers but could take the car however all her riding stuff for mane event was packed neatly in the back ready for her leave today! This required many plans to be changed, Sheldon had to take vacation to come home on time for her to leave, cancel a chiropractor appt he had in the city as well as miss the in house work Friday lunch, I had to rearrange furniture pickup as well as a few other errands as no time to go in early before test and then the made dash to get her to cross iron mills to meet her ride.

I spent rest of morning trying to upload photos on the blog, seems there is an issue last night still happening this am but I finally got them on. I put another coat of glaze on the purple table while the horse feeds was getting fluffy then I fed them and pitched hay. It seems the forecasted beautiful day was not to be but rather an overcast windy day! What a pain when pitching hay in the wind! On the good side the grass is greening fast can notice thru out the day even!

I came up with a plan so showered and headed to town to do my errands while Sheldon picked up Britt at 12:30 to practice. Britt's test did not start on time but in about 20 minutes she passed.. officially we have all drivers in our house now!! While she took her test, Sheldon and I ran for teas and twisters because once she passed and had her license photo taken we were on the road headed to Cross iron to meet a club gal who was giving Britt a lift to Red Deer to meet the club as she rides in tonight's Mane event horse extravaganza show.

Off she went, Sheldon and I hit Costco buying 4 trees, 2 potted plants a new computer and printer and few more things. The wind was insane but amazingly we got the trees stuffed into the Enclave. There is NO WAY I can downsize to a sports car :-)

We grabbed a cold drink for the ride home. Sheldon picked up the probe in town and we headed home to meet Grama and papa who were bringing Chinese food for supper and staying the night. They had more food than we could eat but Kaylin came out around 9:30 to spend the night so she filled up too.

The evening was spent visiting before all headed to bed around midnight. Kaylin has a wedding to do makeup for in town in the morning and the rest of us are off to Red Deer.

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