Tuesday, April 2, 2013

706 - table projects underway

Day 706, Sheldon was off to work early and sadly I was awake at 6:30 after reading til almost two. I started a new booked recommended to me called "My Name is Memory".

My morning consisted of starting back to work on the coffee and end table applying wax and buffing it up. I also removed all the hardware on the side board.

 color off  in this one

Britt rousted around 11:30 and our next project was catching and trimming 2 1/2 more horses feet. Beck and Pepper but By the half (Baby), I had blisters and seeing she was farting around allot and the 18 degrees was warm while wearing my winter boots, fleece sweat pants under my coveralls I decided to quit for now.
 mountains shining bright

The roofing company dropped off a dumpster for the upcoming re-shingling. Sadly we had lived in the house just over half a year when the hail storm hit. The roof was part of the damage covered by our insurance and one of the last to be fixed. They hope to get to it this week but the weather man says the weather will turn tonight or tomorrow :-(

I was photographing some furniture projects in the storage trailer when Travis and Asher arrived. TJ has an appointment with the tattoo guy for touch up so Asher came with us. We went to town to get Britt's registration and license plate for the probe. Funny how technology changes, he watched a movie on his ipad on the way and at the registration office waiting for us. We made a few more stops before dropping him back at home once Travis was done.

We met Sheldon at the garage where he was dropping the truck off to fix the oil issue. He had picked up two new tires on his way home for the probe as well. Back at the ranch another roofing guy was there matching colors for soffit, fascia, shingles and siding on the shed.

Everyone was hungry so time to prepare supper. Britt made a salad and deviled eggs while Sheldon cooked up the steaks.

After enjoying the meal Sheldon went to top up the tires, gas and oil on his "rental" car for the month (probe that is off Britt) while I enjoyed a soak in the tub and Britt watched TV . She and I both did a glam glow mask too.

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