Monday, April 15, 2013

719 - ordered up a shop

Day 719, I was up early at 7 with a wake up call from Britt wondering if she had to ride the bus? yep! So off she went. I made coffee and got emails checked before heading out to put 2nd coat of light green on drawers and fill the drawer repair with wood filler. Sheldon slowly got moving and unhooked the truck from the horse trailer before we had our meeting at just before 11 with the building salesman.

This was a long meeting hashing out ideas and designs but eventually we came up with a plan. This was by 2 so scrambled eggs, beans and toast held us over thru the contract portion remaining. With a deposit check in hand he headed out the door at 3 as Dan the HVAC guy came to help us with the stove fan dripping issue.

these are the colors of our new shop which will be finished by July 1st! Fairly snappy looking heh? dark brown and a new color called buckskin, after my horse Duffy!

Dan left at 4:30 as the landscape gal we thought who was coming Friday arrived.. what a busy house of meetings! In the meantime I went out to sand drawers and when I went to bend over at the dryer.. my cell phone of 3 weeks fell out and smashed on the cement floor.. this is NOT my day. Called repair store and they say $299 for a new screen, are you kidding me?

I then waxed the drawers before coming in to meet a gal who purchased online garage sale item, guess I best sell some more to buy a new screen. Sheldon chopped potatoes and threw on the barbeque while Britt cleaned dishwasher and retreated to TV room. Until steak was ready of course then we all feasted.

I put a 2nd coat of white paint on the dresser as yet another truck pulled in, this time it was Matt borrowing the skid steer. Maybe we do need a toll booth :-) Sheldon enjoyed yet another hockey game. I came in at 8 and perused furniture online before bath. Good end to an expensive day :-0)

then I received this photo via email from my little Shaina when she was in Thailand , AWWWEE  3 weeks and she is home! XOOXOXOO

1 comment:

  1. How exciting to get a new shop - the colors look great and will add to the Ranch. Going to be a busy place there :)
