Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sanding Sunday

Early Sunday morning for me at 7 playing some games, feeding H goat meat then heading out to give Switch her last dose of TSM. The deck and grass was wet, I checked the rain gauge to find 7/10ths total; nice! The cats food was quickly checked then inside to get the coffee going. I enjoyed my cups watching some Making the Cut season 2 with S waking and moving to sleep on the couch at 10 across from me.

drawer fronts dry

On my way to the hot tub I gave Switch her last bute dose. It was 13 when I first went out but warming a bit now with the sun coming out making for a lovely soak. S was back in bed when I came in to rinse off but he too then ventured out for a bit of sunshine on the deck. I added the butterflies to the tray then repotted my orchid after watching a YouTube video.

For lunch I cooked up the first Hello Fresh meal as our fridge was so full and still is. The shrimp Caesar salad was delicious. S was served dessert back in bed; his favorite maple walnut ice cream and a slab of chocolate loaf before his afternoon nap. I hauled out the dresser and drawers and got busy sanding them with power and hand sanding.

Dog dishes were scrubbed up, a load of garage laundry underway then decisions on the dresser. I ended up choosing the fun Latin floral transfer paired with light green or that is todays plan... will see once paint color is on. 

Britt and Coop came out before 3 as I was tying colorful ribbon on the apple trees. I also hung a glitter ball but not sure this will detour deer or birds. I tried one of the old tree apples and they were delicious which had me picking a couple dozen which lead to making 2 apple desserts.

While they baked the floral tray was clear coated with a couple coats after adding the butterfly transfers.

I spiralized zucchini noodles and made stroganoff with leftover roast for supper with S not eating his till later having had warm apple dessert and feeling crudy transitioning off the "good" painkillers today. B and Coop headed home around 6:30. 

I brewed and bottled up a batch of berry kombucha then while searching for painkillers ended up cleaning Sheldon's entire bathroom cabinet and drawers. I love to organize these spaces.  He ate his supper in bed but surprisingly had leftovers.

loads of floss package to head to womens shelter along with a bunch of hotel bath goodies

B had locked up horses in the house paddocks but S was worried they would push over the snow fence so I went and let them all out with all 3 paddock access. The days are getting shorter but the evening was so beautiful as was the day with a high of 22. We then watched We're the Millers for a good humor way to end the day.

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