Saturday, August 20, 2022

Family visit supper day

After the usual animal feeding and medication dosing I grabbed a coffee with S in bed. It was exciting to have an Etsy sale but it is a custom made tile so requires work hahaha. I also remembered Shaina's lamp so went and started painting the first coat. The heat wave continues so we headed out to do a few chores before it does. I found the one apple tree had been ravished. Teeth marks S says are deer. H hooked the truck to trailer in case we can get away for the long w/e. He then I finished watering the garden while I came in to make chocolate zucchini muffins and prep the casserole.

Roo feeling frisky and self exercising video

At noon I headed out in the heat to scoop poop while S ran the neighbors tub back and some stale tortilla chips for their chicken. The lamp had second coated painted and when dry put back together.

The dresser I just got needed a modern update requiring the base edge cut. I had S help me trouble shoot how to do this after I glued and clamped some lifting veneer.

Ma and Pa arrived just after 1:30. A lovely afternoon of visiting ensued with me helping with a few FB technicalities and the Calgary squad arriving a bit after sans pups who have kennel cough. The visit even moved out onto the deck where it was 29 but was hazy with a wee breeze that made it feel cooler. There was also some card games back inside too.

The corn on the cob that was soaked was put on the BBQ after 4 with wings and casserole in the oven about half hour later with sliced peppers on BBQ last. It was a delicious supper with chocolate muffins for dessert and some apple crisp.

The crib game that was started earlier was finished then we all played Oh Shit. After Grama won around 7 the squad headed home with Ma and Pa about half hour after. I brewed sweet tea for kombucha batch then mixed up horse feed with one including pills then went to feed 4 holding the 5th while they ate. A couple pills were missed so I put them in an apple only to have Switch spit out the apple parts with them in it LOL. Last step after cleaning up tubs was to sprinkle the girls some hay in the fat pen.

Shaina got her light all set up, cute!

The evening rounded out with the usual relaxing hot tub soak, a quick shower and sports/iPad time in bed with Cooper and H snoring beside the bed.

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