Sunday, November 27, 2022

Finally, another Etsy sale

It was a dull Sunday start with a 0 blustery wind, seems like the ugly weather is on its way. I played a few brain games before heading gout to feed H. She went for a quick pee at 5:30 then to the garage for rest of the night. S started the coffee and I brought one for us back to bed after letting her out. With my second coffee I wrote a Hometalk post for the purple chair

S watched the Canadian soccer AKA football game from big brown. Sadly that game did not end well. After marketing I pulled out the vacuum and mop and got the main floor done to set up the Xmas tree I had S bring over yesterday. Britt and Dave dropped Cooper off before noon then off to clean out his barn as the snow started. We had a tuna sandwich for lunch then I was back to vacuuming and writing blog posts. S ran the tree box back to the shop and checked on the cats then back in quick to a fire I had made.

I had laundry on the go while writing another tutorial when I got the cash register chime I sold some thing on Etsy. It was the jumbo jewelry box!! Finding a box, packaging it all up, printing the label and such were my next project. I am so stoked!!

I was putting stew meat on to cook when Mom called needing a tire fill. She popped out bringing us a gingerbread oatmeal latte, thanks! We visited over the latte with S running out to fill the tire then she was on her way after 3:30. I finished the cacti cup and saucer tutorial and did the usual shares while S went out to change oil on the skid steer before the cold snap sets in.

Britt and Dave were back before 4:30, out to feed horses then in to warm and feed Cooper. When done they came in to relax on their phones waiting for supper. S ran late so they started eating with him coming in at 5:30 when he and I joined. One pot fed 4 :) They were off once done to finish caulking in her condo bathroom. After catching the news S and I ventured out in the now -5 with a breeze weather for a hot tub seeing it may be too cold for one in the next week. It is always a challenge getting in and out but once in it is nice.

After a rinse I did some more marketing before we settled in to start Yellowstone only to find out our trial Prime did not include it!!! So we watched some McLeod's Daughters with popcorn as our treat but after a couple S was asleep. The winds had picked up immensely after we got in and howled all night. It was -11 with a -20 windchill when I shut off my iPad after 1:30. S was awake at 1 to pee and let H out who was NOT a fan of going out so made it quick.

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