Thursday, November 24, 2022

Dave's big race day

It was dull grey upon waking but plus 3 and rising with a chinook arch. H was fed (I did not clean face till vet sees), I soaked the horse feed and back in for fresh coffee and marketing. I finished my tutorial for the green jewelry box and posted it, shared with paint co and started posting on sites. S did his usual laptop news email perusing. The wind picked up as the temperature rose, the downside of a chinook.

I loaded up Harley and a couple large bags of pork/lamb meat to drop at the gate for a lady wanting for her dogs. I decided to stick to H premade raw for the most part as maybe it was the pork or lamb she was sensitive too. We were off after 10:30 to her vet appointment at 11. Getting there early got us into a room quick but we had to wait 15+ minutes in the room only to find out that what we were doing was the recommended treatment. The tech (an old 4-h girl and neighbor) trimmed her cheek more while I held her face, scrubbed and dried it and sent us on our way with a fancy polysporin :) This only cost $116 for a few minutes visit. H weighed in at 62.5 kgs which equals 138 pounds; solid girl she is.

I dropped her off at Britt's filling her in on the visit. She likes going to Cooper's toy house and is allowed on the bed and couch there too but today was a bit nervous I was leaving her which I did. I went to help Dad with his dinner at noon. Britt will take H to the ranch in a bit, feed horses and leave Cooper. She is off to Edmonton to watch Dave race tonight for the national driving championship. If he wins he goes on to represent Canada!! GOOD LUCK Dave!! 

Dad got his custom ordered wheel chair today and it looks slick. The seat it cushy like an air ride in a semi I told him. He was very tired and never opened his eyes the whole time I was there but I did manage to get him to eat his dinner, soup and yogurt. He requested a nap so got him tucked under his cozy blankets and he was soon asleep.

I left after 1 stopping to grab a favorite Opa pita before stopping to restock on some favorite liquor choices and a few groceries. Before I left town I picked up a tea/muffin special then back at the ranch by 2. I did a quick market check then decided to bare the chinook winds and PLUS 8 now to walk the dogs. The snow is melting so fast and is so heavy and slushy.

this entertainment could possibly how she got a puncture on her cheek that festered ;)

but she does self care the best she can

behind H is 3 of the 4 wood pallets S bought off Tony

Back inside I finished my tea while did some more tutorial writing. Before coming in I clear coated the last pot and let dry. The dogs were fed then they went out for a bit on their own but man they sure have mucky feet. S was home after 4:30 from his trip to town to pick up more Christmas lights and his later 2:30 shinny game. I put our first spaghetti squash from our garden in the oven to roast and fried up a hamburger sauce with us eating at 6. The fellow arrived after 6:30 to finally pick up the ottoman; no more stubbed toes as I go into the office (it has been waiting at the front door).

3 colors of cactus, the back are white

S put the cats away then hit big brown for laptop time. I wrote todays blog at the island watching HGTV before scrubbing up H's cheek. 

I then crawled into bed with the dogs at feet and bedside and finished my book The Wife Upstairs closing it just before midnight. The last half was definitely more engaging. In the meantime S came to bed and read for a bit but soon asleep. Britt kept me up to date on Dave's races which started after 6 and did not end till after 10. He had some wins and some seconds and in the end came in 2nd which is very respectable seeing the winner has amassed 6.7 in winnings this year and 75 million lifetime, well done Dave. B is driving home yet tonight but will pick up Cooper tomorrow.

H wanted out to scratch her face at 3:30 as S was up for a pee break then he put her in garage. No face scratching in snow/dirt Harley!

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