Friday, November 18, 2022

Moving and a cleaning

I played a few brain games after waking early and started the coffee. At 8 I brought a heart in and chopped into pieces for 1 lb tubs. I threw a pound out in the snow for H to do a search and find breakfast as -7 out. Now time for coffee and marketing including publishing the grey table tutorial. S was up for a coffee and his news reading.

Heading out to the garage I sanded S clothes rack and gave him ideas to create 3 new pegs then ran out and took the horse blankets off. He got busy and had 3 cut, drilled and worked at shaving the square ends to fit in the round holes. I painted the rest charcoal grey he chose.

The cabinet door was worked on again finally. I added layers of metallic waxes and clear coated it again.

We stopped for a lunch break finishing up the last of the soup and caught some news. Seeing the living room rug was all clean and dry I decided to rearrange the living room. S helped with tasks vacuuming cushions ad mopping after we had things moved and vacuumed. I love rearranged rooms :) Once most was complete I headed back to the garage to repot plants and plant new ones while S had a nap on the couch in the sunshine.

Once I got them all done it was time to find them homes back inside. 2 of the pots and a cup and saucer were scrubbed up to paint later. I painted the whole clothes rack another coat of grey. After his nap S came out to visit as I was working on the cabinet door again and give H a brush. 

S asked about wrapping up rug cleaner but I suggested we vacuum the TV Room and clean those rugs. Next thing you know he hauled it down and started cleaning. Hold up buddy we have to vacuum first so this lead to me heading down to help him move all furniture out, move the 2 couches around. He vacuumed and I rug cleaned and soon we had it all done. Now it will dry overnight, and we will put together in a new arrangement.

This called for a cold beer break. S hit big brown with his and his laptop and I wrote todays blog on the couch in the -3 sunshine. Time to feed H.

I decided seeing it was fairly nice out at -3 with no wind and the horses were in I would go out to feed them. H joined me too getting some exercise. I text S the cats were drinking at the water trough, so he took out some water to fill their dish. When done feeding I scooped poop in driveway as S put cats away with soft food.

He and I then headed out for a nice long soak in the hot tub with amazing sunset colors. After a shower I chopped up a Japanese salad and put a sweet potato to cook while S fixed up the steaks and cooked them. A delicious supper indeed.

B and Coop were out for a very short visit to do his business then they were off for home. I finished up the blog while S read his Nostradamus book then we watched a couple more Successions. We shut off after a couple as getting slow and made us tired. S was off to sleep but of course I now was awake again so watched some Echoes. I find it a bit weird too but keep watching.

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