Thursday, November 3, 2022

We got snow

It was a sleepless night with many disruptions; S bombled around the kitchen at 2:30 so I listened to sleep podcasts finally falling asleep only to have H want out at 4:28 am. Then she was on to personal hygiene which is loud when the house is so quiet :) I awoke at 6:50 to let her out of the kennel knowing Cooper was to be dropped off soon but B did not drop him till 7:30. She and Dave are off to Seattle/Portland later today for a concert trip. I was awake after 8 so got up, cut up her jumbo food chub to feed her and get the coffee going. The sunrise was worthwhile getting up for.

S had a restless sleep too so slept till after 9 and was in big brown with his coffee when I got a reminder call "we" had our healing journey class at 9:30 we had not logged in for. He joined in as I headed out to work on projects. The case had more transfers added to the back edge (inside while listening to the class) then clear coated and new cork pads added to the bottom. 

The purple chair was clear coated and left to dry as I came in to catch up on marketing and computer work. After the class ended at 11:30 S ventured out in the -9 full sunshine day to get the skid steer started to push snow around and snap a few photos of the snow accumulated. I made us egg avocado salad sandwiches for lunch with the news.

puppy play video

I took photos of the case then added another clear coat to the chair and left to dry. The sun called and I had to feed horses so I mixed up their tubs, pulled out my insulated coveralls, put jackets on the dogs and we headed out. The dogs had a blast playing once they got out. S came out and started his snow pushing. Once the horses were done the dogs and I walked to the far paddock gate and opened it up so they have access to all paddocks/shelters. Tubs and balls were scooped up and brought inside as did the dogs.

Time to write up an Etsy ad for the lotus case. I was out washing brushes and screwing the chair seat in place when S came in from his snow pushing and sidewalk shoveling at 3:30. He headed in to nap in big brown. I brought the chair in to snap a few pictures.

Then I did computer work, I have lots of projects to convert into tutorials and posts so worked on that and catching up the blog. At 5 I started the lasagna and I knew after making it I added a bit too much in the pan but went ahead and started cooking. This proved to turn into the same smell as cleaning my oven last week as the lasagna bubbled over in my clean oven. 

Shaina arrived around 5:30 to visit then she and I hit the hot tub with S joining us once the lasagna was taken out to sit for awhile. The tub lift pistons were frozen so we got cozy in half the tub. I threw out a $100 challenge to roll in the snow which Shaina jumped on right away with Sheldon following a bit later not to be outdone :)

Back inside we showered and got the garlic toast done and enjoyed our supper (with the stinky smell in the air). S went and put the cats away with soft food after eating. Shaina was off to stay at Britt's tonight to keep Gulliver company before 8 with S on the phone with a friend. I got busy with the blog and tutorial work. Later in bed I watched some From scratch episode then after ball game over we watched an Animal Kingdom then S sports highlights. 

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