Saturday, November 12, 2022

Finished a jewelry box

The late night pee pattern returns with H wanting out at 3:30. From then on I could not sleep so listened to multiple sleep casts to help but no real luck. Eventually I fell asleep but awake after 7:30 so played brain games till coffee making and feed H breakfast time. With second cup I did my marketing with S slowly sipping his first and second in bed.

Time to get a new project on the go. I started by scrubbing up a large cabinet door I had tucked away planning to do a technique I watched online similar to my faux tiles. The plastic inserts were drilled out and then a raised stencil applied. This was left to dry while I scrubbed the stencil up. To make sure lots of water went thru the sink I started washing garage laundry starting with Bird's rain sheet.

A miracle was happening in the house with S cleaning the bathroom sinks. He came out and gave H a bath as I was doing the second half of the stencil. He then went in to change her bedding and vacuum the kennel. This led to vacuuming the main floor. I threw H bedding in garage washer, sanded the jewelry box wood filler edge and came in to apply the transfers.

The edges and back were painted as well.

B and Coop were out at 12:30 to feed and off for home in 20 minutes. The temperature is -3 but full cloud cover and grey. I finished the transfers and clear coated them but in one quick swoop of the brush wrecked one flower!! GRRRR luckily, I had one exact flower to spare. I applied it when the clear coat was dry along with 2 more butterflies.

I took H to the garage and brushed a dustpan full of hair off her and threw the stair rug in the washer. Back to the jewelry box I put the one necklace carousel and the door panes in and snapped a few photos. S went and had a hot tub then hit big brown to peruse the interweb.

Next on my task list was to use up some apples; 2 apple crisps ad 2 apple pies were made and put in the oven. Snow lightly started to fall at 4 as I was making them. The horses got the bowl of cores before H had her supper. S had taken out steak for supper so once thawed he prepped it for cooking. We will have the leftover veggies from last night to go with it. I made us a rum while waiting for apple goodies to cook. He went and put the cats in then time to cook steak.

B dropped Cooper off after 5 heading to a supper night with friends. The steak supper was delicious and topped off with hot apple crisp. S was watching hockey while I packaged up the apple desserts for the freezer then caught up todays blog. Flames play at 8 so will be a long night of hocky so I headed to bed to read my book. S joined me for the last 10 minutes of the game where the Flames finally won! He was then happily off to dreamland while I finished reading. 

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