Sunday, July 2, 2023

July Long Weekend

Another warm day ahead. The pups were out early for a bit. After a coffee I ran to town. Poor Archer has had a weird face paralysis. 811 suggested going to ER. They forgot AHC cards so I went and took pictures. While in town I stopped to visit Dad. He was having a tough day so I got him out in the warm sunshine for a walk. Once back in he finally ate and took meds. I left him napping at noon and headed home.

S sent a couple pics he had taken at the dam yesterday

S was grading the road with his tractor. Time to get laundry going. I made a salmon sandwich. S had one then a nap on the couch. I got busy black waxing the bedroom suite. The tops wer also clear coated. It was 30 in the garage! Feeling lightheaded I wrapped it up and came in to catch up the blog. Lots of videos loaded up too.

S worked on the swather then started to cut around 5. After house work I went outside for a bit. I moved more plants in my planters. Dandelions were dug. The wind started to pick up when I delivered to the horses. Switch's feet needed a trim. I caught her and took inside as the wind howled. S quit swathing and went inside. Being 30 outside made for even hotter barn. Again the dizziness came but I got it done.

I finished all but the fine tuning of the hooves as B has my hoof stand. After letting her back in the paddock I came in to cool off. A cold beer was enjoyed while I wrote a Hometalk post for the wooden bowl. I also did a second one for the fish table too with video. A shower, the tops were all given a second coat of clear then I watched Glamourous to round out my July 1st.

Sunday was sunny but a bit cooler thank goodness. These 2 dogs feel the need to get up very early or should I say Cooper does. Time for me to get the bedroom suite finished. S headed out to get to swathing. For the next 2 hours I put drawers back in, put hardware back on and touched up edges. I also clear waxed all tops. I think they are ready to go. It took over 20 hours time to do this set. That does not count clean up, breaks etc. I only charge actual hands on time. I made egg croissants for lunch. S came in for his as I was picking a bag of fresh spinach out of the garden.

I sorted photos that had all returned after some glitch. I wrote another Hometalk post; the blue rum bottle. back out to water and weed the garden. I hauled in the nightstands to stage. S back to swathing but stopped when Robby M stopped to visit. Seems he has a hydraulic leak. They ran to town for a part.

I started a new project: large jewelry box. It was cleaned, scuff sanded and 2 corners repaired.

Seems they only needed to reseat an oil filter. Robby headed off after 5. As I took the dogs for a walk the clouds darkened to the west. S stopped swathing when rain started at 6. Once the rain ended within the hour it was once again a lovely evening. Perfect for a hot tub. We then started the mini series Arnold B recommended.

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