Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Harley spa day


Coffee and marketing to start my day. Calls were made to the school investment finding Shaina still has almost $5000 left for school. She is currently doing an online one that may even count. More calls to find out what is required. Then for her to source said info.

Renn is starting to try out her extensive wardrobe, isn't this adorable?

I love gardening in my silk housecoat. The weather was spectacular. Sunny and 22. I picked spinach and pulled most plants. They are starting to bolt in the heat. All garden boxes and plant pots were watered. Lunch break - a bowl of chili with fresh bread ;) As I was working on the blog I looked out to see the dang coyote near the house again. Harley was sleeping on the deck too. She is not a yard guard dog LOL. I looked to see where cats were. Sure enough they were both in the island chasing a gopher. I sent Har to help. It was hilarious watching the 3 try and catch it. My phone would not open in time to capture. Eventually it jumped off edge and under evergreen. S tried to follow but it must have a hole there too. Lola and Diego would never have allowed gophers to take up residence in our yard. This year we seem over run with them S has shot probably 50 he says so far.

I have been meaning to make our garden angel pretty again. I hauled her in and scrubbed her up. While she dried back out in the sun, H got a good brush. Her eyes and ears were deep cleaned. This was followed by a good brush outside. And a deep scrub inside. She has been uber itchy lately. Her hair has been grubby. This spa day should help allot. I threw the garage stairs rug in washer to help keep her clean too. She was kenneled to dry as not to go roll in the dry grass.

I moved on to transplanting plants. The lone Karl Forester grass left in the island was up. I dug a dead iris out of front house planter. Two pieces were dug from island and planted in front planter. Time to water in. This hosing led to washing the deck door area. I had swept the area and beat the rugs previously. The deck rugs were hosed too.

H's food was delivered while doing this too. Once I hung out the rugs to dry. I prepped her food for a few days. She then ate her supper. Her bath also inspired her bedding washed. The inside rugs were washed as well. Vacuuming and hardwood floors washed. It turned into a great house deep clean project.

S stayed later at the Valley to load some tombstone feeders he sold for his Dad. The rural cell phone service let him down multiple times on route home trying to partake in another rodeo meeting. He made it home at 10. I had a yummy salad, fresh bread and chili ready for him since he had a very lean day for food. 570 has no food options. We then went for a hot tub. Another Fubar episode was attempted but again I shut it off after someone fell asleep. I watched some Five Star Chef.

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