Sunday, July 9, 2023

HOT weekend

It seems little Miss Muffet is topping 9 pounds now, well done Momma!

It was a warm day Saturday. I worked on areas on the jewelry box I had touched up and still was not happy with. It was staged. S spent the majority of the day trying to get the small square baler working. After hearing 1 metal tucker finger he had binding was $250, he removed it and ground it down. Once it was all back together he had a working baler. This allowed him to bale the last 3 swaths at the tree line. He made 14 bales but had to leave a still tough area. Very proud of himself he was.

Not long after he was back from baling smoke was noticed to the east of us. We drove over to see what it was and if we could help. The black smoke indicated rubber or oil. Sure enough it was a baler on fire and field lengths of swaths. Six fire engines arrived in short order. They did a great job of getting the whole thing contained.

see the video view

We jumped in fireball and ran to town for groceries for S to take along to the valley. A stop at DQ had us a sundae to enjoy in the heat. the evening was so nice out. we cruised the town checking out our old house ad rental as well as Paetz’s, Stouts and places for sale. The drive continued past our house and down to spear grass touring there too. 

Back home we started a camp fire. The night was so lovely there was no wind. The smoke went straight up. We followed it up with a hot tub soak. The moonless night was lit up with stars. What a lovely evening.

Sunday was even hotter. It was 22 when we woke after 9. Sharon and I had planned to ride this am hoping for cooler weather. She was out around 11 as I was brushing Switch. she worked in the round pen and I outside it. We then we looped the paddocks. It was now 26+. Sheldon brought in the 14 bales to the shop. He then hooked up the trailer and got things ready to head to the Valley for part for the week.

These 2 girls hung out with us as we visited in the shade after the ride.

Temps rose past 30. I packed up snacks, chairs and drinks. S loaded the umbrella and life jacket. Harley happily jumped in the non a/c merc and we were off to the river before 3. For the next 3 hours we all cooled off in the river water in the shade of the umbrella s of course had to do multiple floats.

Harley was concerned for Sheldon's safety floating down the river

When we arrived back at the ranch I fed H and S went to bale the last hay pile quick. He got 2 more bales. First cut complete. I watered the parched garden and picked fresh spinach. Baby potatoes were prepped. It was crazy how the weather changed abruptly. It clouded over, temperatures dropped ad the wind picked up. We did manage to get our BBQ steak supper complete.

After supper we moved the furniture again and put the truck inside. The first attempt had a glitch with not enough gravel to ramp in. We pushed it back out and the second try after moving gravel was successful.

The trailer was pulled up and filled with groceries. I watered my garden and planters. It looks like we will have zucchini soon! We tried a Fubar but S was asleep in short order.

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