Monday, July 8, 2013

803 - misty day

Day 803 was a misty with a bit of rain day. Britt was off to the stables for her 7 shift finishing up by 10:30 again today. Shaina was up cooking an egg and heading to her shift of 9 am but was back home at 9:30 after the golf course said, "you don't have to work today!"

I spent the entire morning doing accounting. Procrastination does not pay but seems to be my motto.

After lunch Sheldon came with me to town, first stop Tims for a warm cup of chai on this chilly day. I dropped a parcel for Mom on AJ's step then to a lady who offered her rhubarb to me. I cut her green plant back and she had a red plant as a gift for me. Bank deposit more of Shaina's tip $$ then return the darn electronic thermometer that quit working after a few days. Sheldon grabbed Britt's new brake pads and rotors before we grabbed some groceries then headed home.
Shaina had left for a movie and Britt was of course watching TV. Sheldon went to move dirt along road side and added to round about while I made rhubarb crisps to go with the chicken supper I threw in too. Shaina arrived back home at 6:30 in time for supper but not before she caught KD for her cylence dose and roach her mane as well as catching Daisy for hers. Britt fed skinnies and scooped poop out of the arena as Sheldon is working on getting clay out of the borough pit and adding more to shop floor.

I made a big supper, following it Shannon stopped and she and Shaina headed to the city making it a late night getting home at 3 am. Sheldon did a few things outside including a few rounds of harrowing at dusk.

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