Tuesday, July 30, 2013

825 - BUSY day at work again

Day 825 I was up and gone to work leaving a small list for Britt to do during the day. It seems she did get up and manage to wash the lower level windows, wash her horse cuts and the pots and pans. She claims this kept her busy ALL day.. hmmm I guess if she got up at noon maybe! :-)

My day at work was swamped, thank goodness I stopped at Tims and grabbed a caffeine for Sharon and I. She and I are manning the office while Coreena vacations on a beach in Montana for 2 weeks. We put in a full day but at lunch I ran to Amanda's where I was served a delicious bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup as well as getting a trim and curl!! No that is the very best service ever at a hairdresser.. THANKS AJ!! XOXOXO You truly are the best sister a girl could want! Oh and I got a few snuggles in with my sweetie Ada and jokes with the not so social man today Asher.

Back at work we bust our butts even staying until after 4, this is real work at its finest these days. I stopped to grab a rotisserie chicken as well as the mail before stopping at the dump to drop the "stink to high heaven" trash. (Sheldon forgot to mention he threw hunks of raw bison in the bag and lets just say the reference to rotting arse rang true!)
I got home just before 5 with Shaina pulling in fairly soon after from her 9-5 shift. She quickly changed and this time was off to Calgary to spend the night with Kaylin. As she was going out the lady who custom  ordered  a jumbo growth ruler arrived. As well at work 2 ladies arrived to pick up online items. Each sale and bag taken to diabetes makes room in the house.. ok maybe more comes in but it is the effort. :-)
I threw together a fresh garden salad and kraft dinner with the chicken for Britt and I. After supper she went out to ride Pepper. I was watering the garden when she returned and after hosing him hollered he had a water bean. I got a bucket rag and rubber gloves and headed out and she and I tried our hand literally at sheath cleaning him and Julio. We did ok but not really more than surface cleaned, hahaha. Will have to wait until a moment of weakness so to say.
 the old trusty steed
and my great haircut and style at the end of a hard day.. sort of still there ..hahahaha

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