Sunday, July 28, 2013

823 - will it rain Sunday?

Day 823 I enjoyed a sleep in till 9:30 when Britt text to see if going to polox practice. The weather looked crappy and the forecast said rain by noon so we chose not to however no rain ever showed even with black clouds looming.

I enjoyed a cup of chai tea and started laundry.. all the trailer bedding pillows etc. and cleaning to still find the house under the trailer treasures!

Shaina was dropped off before 10:30 and she promptly went to bed :-9. Britt arrived home at 11 showering and ready to get to work. She wanted hamburger soup so I whomped some up for her. Today is a great day for soup. She went out in the occasional sunshine and picked more crap in the fat pen.

I rousted Shaina by noon and she got motivated to pick the skinny pen for an hour after much prodding. She finished up at 1 then got ready for work for 2. Britt had a bowl of soup and back out she went to finish the fat pen. I had a bowl of my homegrown spinach salad with blueberries and avocado and my favorite dressing.. OH MY!
I went out and planted 2 more new trees (2 I rescued from my shelter belt nursery) and watered the back trees as it is so dry. I also fed all the horses and put WD40 on the pump handle that has been sticking in order to water the fatties too. Britt finished up around 5 and the pasture looks so much better. Five horses can add allot of fertilizer in not to long but it decreases the grass for them to eat.
above a Siberian larch and below a sea buckthorn
Britt and I enjoyed a relaxing night, a brief squall blew in at 7 and eventually a few drops came down at 8 then the sun was out!!
 and always a splendid sky at sunset
Shaina got home from work around 11 changed out of her work skirt and headed back to town to friends. She however did not get home till 3:30 am claiming she fell asleep during the movie.. maybe after a hard days work you should sleep at home in your bed?? just sayin!
 a phone pic I took yesterday of Ada napping in my arms.. what a doll!

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