Tuesday, July 23, 2013

818 - lost bottle money day for Britt but kind lady

Day 818, I awoke to complete fog, surrounding us like a veil. Shaina called in but work said they still wanted her this am for beer cart so she was in the shower at 8 am. As I drove off to work just after 8 it seems the fog was only really around us clearing soon after I left the approach. I checked the rain gauge and there was 2/10ths overnight. Sheldon and Britt came to town later in the am to get more landscape ties and pea gravel and Britt to take in bottles.
One of my favorite summer looks .. white jeans, but I hardly wear esp with Diego around :-)

I ran errands at lunch then had a massage for 1. Sheldon called me once I was out to say Britt had lost her bottle money perhaps in the parking area or in Canadian Tire and wondered if I could go check if it was there or turned in. I was skeptical thinking who would turn in cash found laying on the ground let alone nearly $50 but off I went. Nothing in the parking so I went in and asked if on a long stretch they had cash turned in. "Yes was there answer can you tell me amount?" ah maybe $50.. "nope, sorry" So I called Britt and she said the amount. I went back in, "nope sorry" but as I was walking out another worker that was listening ran out and handed me the $20 they did have turned in. "Take this for your daughter". I was shocked, she even thought she saw something on the ground ahead but it was trash. There are kind and honest people out there.. who turn in found money and who pass a good deed on to a young girl who in the future may not store cash in her small jean pocket.

After grabbing the mail I headed home, she met me asking if it was hers found but I said no. This put her in even more of a funk but she did drag her heels and helped me feed horses, all 9 this time. Sheldon was working on burming the south side of the shop and moved some bales back there for storage. He then continued on with the gravel around the house project. Britt rode Bird at 5. Thunder rolled a bit but soon the sun was out again.

 look at this strange sky
 but soon the sun was shining
A fellow stopped for bales just before 6. I made trout supper which Shaina arrived home to join us after her long day at work. She was happy she made more in tips today then her $10 yesterday as well as chalking up some overtime too!

After supper the fellow returned for 3 more bales, the girls retreated to the basement quickly and Sheldon went back to gravel spreading. I updated the blog to keep you all in the know as well as refreshing some sales ads and never ending laundry.

Shaina kindly vacuumed her room and washed dishes before she headed to town to do errands and hit OJ's wing night at 8. A brief rain had Sheldon running inside around 9:30 but it was just that.. brief, oh well! But as Britt, Sheldon and I watched Amazing Race Canada the lightening and thunder went wild. Another amazing feat.. Shaina was home before midnight! :-)

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