Thursday, December 21, 2017

Mom turns 70!

Today Mom turns 70, and still happily riding! Happiest of birthday wishes Momma!

Snow came down throughout the day mostly just lightly but by supper a bit heavier. The day was spent working on marketing which included using the subscription emails to send Christmas wishes. Tracking Etsy packages had most arriving by Christmas but one not and one not even checked in, good old Canada Post.

Mid afternoon I headed out to the table, I went with poly to seal the milk paint and again managed to flip it to do the underside in 2 coats and back so the top got its second too. The stained tub board received a coat each side and brought in to hand paint tomorrow.

I did trudge out thru the piles of snow to reset the Christmas lights, brr the weather is really seasonal again ;/. I trouble shot the sink disposal, sent an email to the company and in half an hour they called me! And by end of conversation they are sending a new one, great company Eco Logic.

see the thin rubber seal pulling away about half way down..

 stock photos posted

Yes one bag is empty and the other not far behind, this stuff is like crack I am guessing cause once you start you cannot stop!

this was my homage to Mom's birthday .. she loves bubble baths, rum and egg nog and The Queen (cause she is British) Happy cake day again Mother

Lots more ad reposts and online updating with Netflix and The Crown before moving to soak in the tub while watching. Time to strip the bed, put on fresh sheets and read my book. Almost half done, what am I going to take on vacation.

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