Sunday, December 3, 2017


Today was an early wake up but after instruction from AJ I found out they do know "not time to wake up". This was first at 6 am but Arch was in and out of sleep for about an hour. The other 2 were up but after I let them know it was a bit early, including miss Mya who was retrieving Scout out for a pee, in the SNOW (Yep we got a dusting of snow overnight) they all laid back down and watched their devices for a bit then it was go time.

I had the kids breakfast short orders going with a pot of coffee as Stacie joined me and the day was underway. Sheldon was up next then Britt and Dale, eventfully Vance and finally Kaylin but not until around 11 ;) Sheldon made french toast and scrambled eggs, well done buddy! and the coffee pot kept busy too.

girls writing their Christmas lists

and Asher's.. love the spelling and ideas

Archer was off for his morning nap at 10 as Dale and Stacie ran to town for some shopping. The foggy weather rolled in soon after. Sheldon headed out to roll out a bale and Britt to doctor Birds foot again, wrapping it up this time.

 the little girls.. all 5

By the time Dale and his brood were off before one the sun began to pop thru and shine. Kaylin was off to get ready for her work shift today with Mya as an observer. She was off to work at 1:30 followed by Britt running to town to tan quick.

After putting Archer down for his afternoon nap I prepped and made hamburger soup. Sheldon, Britt, Samara and Lexi all napped too, must have been a hard w/e for them. A lady messaged to buy the end tables, wahoo! I got them ready to send back to the city with Britt. This morning I had an Etsy sale for the dark grey jewelry box but the destination costs more again then estimated so will see what transpires.

Ada pretending to sleep in her little bedroom she set up and slept in every night ;)

Soup was yummy as always. Archer woke up at 5:30 to join us. I got all the kids goodies, bags and leftover snacks all loaded up as AJ and Craig messaged they just landed. Britt loaded her stuff, the tables that sold and Lexi and were off to the city after 6. Sheldon went to see why the Xmas lights were once again off and decided to hang another new set along the eve on the west side. The kids and I sang songs around the fire of course having a few more snacks when A&C arrived just after 7. A quick load up and they were on their way to get everyone home and to bed for a new school week. So much fun having them for the last 4 days <3

I got busy catching up on emails and blogs and happily had another lady message who is coming with her husband and a truck to see the navy dresser tomorrow evening. Pretty good day for sales! Sheldon headed to Calgary for a meeting before 8. I had a well earned soak watching Grey's. I had finished season 10 on Friday night so well onto season 11. I even managed to get to sleep by 11 only to be briefly awoke hearing S rummage around in the fridge when he got home after 12:30 but back to sleep soon after.

B took this cute picture last week ;)

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