Monday, June 1, 2020

Lunch out in a restaraunt

It was a lovely sunny morning as I walked Lola over to pee then gave her meds. She got smart on the big pill which ended up with an attempt at peanut butter which mainly ended up all over her face but eventually I got them in.

Sipping my morning caps I wrote a Hometalk post for the acrylic moulds. Heading to the garage I put a coat of white oil on the coffee table then fetched the hardware and put it on.

Kaylin and Lexi arrived around 11 with her last load of goodies. Lola bowled over the fence so I moved her to the deck for the day. We got them loaded inside then down to her room and started laundry. I staged a few oval coffee table shots which included miss Lexi. Then we ran to town for Chinese, K bought lunch, THANK YOU! XOXO

Back at the ranch she set up bathroom goodies and did her nails then was off for the city before 2:30. I got busy writing tutorials as the weather turned overcast and gloomy. B said it was pouring again at her work but nothing here. I kept Kaylin's laundry going and did a quick vacuum for dog hair and general tidy as the prince arrives home tonight. Supper was a smoothie then Lola and I went out. She did her thing then stayed with me as I dug out plants that did not survive and pruned the roses. The mosquitos were horrid even swarming her which would be brutal to have itches with a cone on so we came in at 7. It was such a gorgeous night, such a shame but with rain comes the dreaded mozzies. I was deciding on what to repaint the hardware as I do not like it when Britt and Cooper arrived. She got busy feeding, putting fly sheets on horses and masks and taking them off of Bandit who was very confused by it all. It even started to rain while the sun shone.

I sprayed the hardware satin nickel but the can seized up. Will deal with it tomorrow. Lola was restless again so I iced her leg and massaged then brought her to the A/C in the back entry while I continued on tutorial writing: one finished is the grey jewelry box. Britt and Cooper went back to town before 9. I gave Lo her meds then took for a walk. I left her tied at the fence for 10 minutes to get some yard time then tucked her in for the night. S arrived home for a 3 week off stint at the usual before 11. Showers and fresh sheets had him slumbering is short order (after reading all mail first of course) I watched an AK episode then shut off the lights.

I like this beter, you?

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