Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Shaina's birthday

Coffee and chaos started our day. Happy birthday Shaina Lee! XOXO Lola got her meds and set up on the front deck as it is a cooler morning. Party prep continued. S tried to source where the seeder stopped seeding. The seeder needs parts so off to town we went after prepping for the day. I did a sneaky wine fairy drop off at Stouts on our way, it is Sharon's birthday as well. S dropped me at the grocery store while he ran to a part shop unsuccessfully. It was unsuccessful at the next and I had him call the 3rd and 4th before driving but eventually Peavy had the part.

Back home he installed it and set off to redo the missing acres. I mowed the yard to make it pretty for the party. Shaina and Jacob arrived around 1:30 as we were hauling down deck chairs and washing up. Pizza was thrown in for a quick lunch (S ran the seeder back quick) then heading out in the sun to enjoy a cold beverage.

Grama and Papa were the first guests to arrive at 3, then Grand and Grandy at 4. Travis followed close behind dropping Diesel off to stay in his kennel in the shade while he ran to Calgary quick. It was a gorgeous day to sit in the sun and visit. S & J got the lacrosse sticks out to toss around. Kaylin was next to arrive and join in the festivities.

Jacob joined in to seeing he has past "prep chef" experience

The girls learned how to make German potato salad from Grama P to go along with the rest of the barbeque supper. Britt and Travis arrived to join in for the burgers and hotdogs then puffed wheat birthday cake.

Around 8:30 Grama and Papa headed home followed by Gran, Grandy and TJ. B and Cooper not long after then the other 3 youngsters headed to town to have a birthday beverage at the station which turned out to be closed so hit BP's. S hit the sheets and sound asleep in short order. I worked on marketing till they were back after 10 and we played cards calling it a night after midnight. I watched a bit of Animal Kingdom and shut out the lights after a very busy birthday!

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