Monday, June 8, 2020

Power outage

The day started out nice and sunny but did not stay that way. S walked Lola after I gave her meds. We had our coffees but I had mine at the computer organizing Instagram posts and the sale of the beachy coffee table. The interested fellow from last night passed so the next in line was up. They arrived at 12:30 and had it loaded in short order. That was a quick sale in less than 24 hours.

I had went out mid morning and taken off Bird's rain sheet B had put on last night. S went to town around 2 as dark clouds rolled in and changed the day to overcast and threatening. Thunder boomed but only a few drops came down. Kaylin worked on her Instagram posts and such for the Sugar Me Shop as well as dyed my eyebrows for me, thanks!

Bad Cooper

I have a couple new ambassador opportunities so picked out products and got them off as well as I know have an affiliate with Homestead Milk Paint. This means I get a commission on any paint ordered thru my link. Please be sure to share my projects so others might see and order paint. S was back around 3:30 and took Lola for a short walk. He then buzzed the mower around a couple horse paddocks in a few weed spots. I brought in the tray after lightly sanding and applied the transfer. White was went on next then the handles and it was complete!

Delicious steak and roasted veggie supper was enjoyed by S, K and I then she and Lexi loaded up and headed back to the city around 7. Britt and Cooper were pulling in as they were heading out. B fed and gave meds and was off in 15 minutes. S ran the mower over the weed patches in the last paddock while I worked on posts. I wrote a valet tutorial. He was then in watching more Animal Kingdom , think he is hooked. I was playing some Scrabble then jumped in the shower before 9. Bird was laying down so mentioned it to B.

She drove out to check on her, put on her rain sheet and in the end give her a shot. SHe left just after 10 as the power went out with lightening flashing to the west. The power stayed off and the wind was blowing the garage door which was not shut tight. I went to close garage window and found Lola in high anxiety mode. I had S help me get her in to the back entry then I gave her another sedative. She was very panicky. The power came back on just before 11 but she did not settle till after midnight poor girl.

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