Monday, June 15, 2020

B takes the day off

After her walk Lola was put on the deck and S blocked the south stairs off to give her more room to go around the house and find shade. He sat with her for a coffee seeing it was so nice out. His morning chore was mowing the lawn. I worked on loads of computer stuff including a new valet order all finalized and will paint next week.

Sheldon's latest cross creation

After leftover lunch Britt and Cooper popped out bringing iced coffees, THANKS B!! She caught Pepper and I Switch and we went for a ride as S finished the mowing. Cooper finagled his way up onto the deck with Lola thru the chairs so S ran a rope to stop them from taking the same route off the deck. 

B can vault on to this shorty

Once back she caught Bird and rode her while I hand watered flowers. This was short lived as I heard dogs barking from afar. Sure enough the two had gotten off the deck via the front stairs and were half way across the neighbors south field. I called her back, tried tying her in the shade near the shop only to have her snap the leash and cause a spook for B&B so it was back to the deck for her.

this plant is stuck in the columbine, know what it is?

I sewed up the leash as S sharpened the mower blades then welded a part that was broke on the bistro set so we can use for pictures tomorrow. I spray painted it and the areas dinged during the welding process while he looked on drinking a cold beer stocked in his shop fridge ;/. B and Cooper had headed home at 4 to enjoy the rest of her vacation day.

Kaylin is back to work today and ready to sugar

I wrote a tutorial for the yellow jewelry box and shared in a few places. S was inside at 5 to catch the news and eat supper. Seeing there is more rain later in the week forecast he started pumping tanks onto trees. Lola was worked up again at med time, today was the first day without sedatives and after her great escape and adventures her leg seems pretty sore. I added the sedative to tonights med regime and tried to calm her. Thought it was the storms but think it is the staying in garage at night that has her anxious.

Tonight after 30 years I cracked open the bridal chest Mom had made after my dress was cleaned. 30 years all tucked safely in this box has kept everything pristine and pretty. Displayed with the dress and veil was the wedding invitation, program, napkin (great color choice that I still love), matches (they were a very popular gift) along with the packages pastel mints even!!

Of course I had to try it on and it fit perfectly!!

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