Friday, June 19, 2020

Somber Friday

Coffee in bed then onto getting Lola pilled and walked and set up on the deck. I did spot 4 gophers in the paddocks so called Elmer who went out and took a few pot shots claiming he may have got 4. I did some computer work before heading out before lunch to move the horses. Switch and KD went to the paddock with less grass leaving Bird and Pepper in the one that had a break. I started weeding flower beds but stopped for lunch. S hand sprayed weeds with roundup around the yard.

After lunch S had nap before he ran to town for a load of gravel and grab some grass spray. I continued on with weeding, pruning and watering flowers by hand. Once back he mixed up some spray in the quad sprayer and did the far paddock that has been closed off for a rest. I moved on to accounting ;/. 

He came in at 5 and we had a cold beer. I made meal #2: steak and peppercorn sauce,  it was really good. And we both thought we did not like Brussel sprouts but creamed with spinach is yummy.

After supper he ran another tank of Par3 around the yard while I cleaned up. Britt and Cooper stopped after 7 to do her thing. S showered up and sat with the dogs on the deck with a cold beer. B and I put fly sheets on the horses.

Before we headed to town after 9 I put a coat of wax on the desk top. We enjoyed an over 2 hour soak in the hot tub visiting at the Paetz's with a few beverages. Thanks for the hospitality XOXO We were home around 12:30, put Lola in the garage for the night after a quick walk and soon off to sleep.

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