Saturday, June 13, 2020

Another condo project underway

I was awake early again perused Instagram then S started the coffee after 8. One cup and by 9 we had Lola medicated and out for her walk. Then I was printing the mailing label for the Etsy parcel and getting my sour dough loaf in the proofing bowl and answering messages. After gathering items needed to redo B's bathroom counter top I headed to town around 10:30. 

this is how the gate closes and needs to be adjusted

I swung thru Tims to get and ice coffee and breakfast : old fashioned tim bits. It started to rain but again just a bit. The parcel was dropped off then on to Britt's. She had the counter cleaned and ready to go. I removed the caulking while she sanded it. I masked edges, put on the first coat and now it dries for a couple hours. B will handle the second coat. Her seeded grass is coming up and her plants look great. 

On my way home I picked up a free coffee table.

Back at the ranch S was meeting a fellow who had top soil to dump; 3 loads in total. The sun was now trying to peek out so I took Lola for a walk. S was working on the gate settings and moving the dude's dirt pile. Once back at the house I noticed that indeed the top of Lola's incision was open and called the vet clinic. I caught them just as they were closing at 3, they asked for photos and called back to say if we could get her in ASAP they would staple the top. I had just heated the oven to cook the bread so S ran her in the merc to town. They put in 4 staples right in the back seat with S holding her but she never flinched. They were back in short order.

B and Cooper had arrived after they left. I was hauling in the desk and drawers and putting the hardware back on. She caught Pepper and cleaned his trail riding wounds even taking him into the stall for some pampering. She then caught Bird and I met her in the barn after taking my bread out to cool, to trim Bird and Pepper's fronts again seeing the old sole was sloughed while riding. Once back home S vacuumed the truck and merc and pressure washed the mats, then the ranger. He brought us an ice cream sandwich which was awesome seeing I was sweating like a trooper. While we ate it another large loud rain cloud unloaded a bit more. None of these rains registered when I checked at 8:30 pm.

B was off at 6 to attend a friends bday party and sleepover in Hussar leaving Cooper to spend the night. I got supper going; salmon, quinoa and peas to go along with the best sour dough loaf yet.  I jumped in the shower while it cooked. S took Lola for her evening walk at 8 which ended up with him washing fresh horse poop out of her hair LOL I caught up the blog. Time to stay in the garage for her but of course as the evening storm was blowing in (she seemed to be about 20 minutes ahead of it with her anxiety) she became very anxious. I got her meds and we moved her into the porch. It was going to be another crazy storm night. We got lots of loud thunder and lightening and 1/10th of rain, nothing like the chaos that was hitting the NE Calgary area.

Cooper spent allot of time jumping off the bed with us to go check on the panting whining Lola. I had to keep on encouraging her to relax and eventually she was quiet around 10 when S went to fill the coffee pot and it started all over. I watched 3 episodes of a new Netflix series I started last night called The Big Flower Fight while S slumbered. It is fun to see what they do with plants and flowers.

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