Tuesday, October 15, 2013

903 - October 15th already

Day 903 Shaina took Sheldon to the airport for his flight north at 4:15 am then back to bed by 5:30. Today was another nice day reaching a high of 15! We walked for an hour at lunch in the sunshine.

After work I stopped quick at Rona for supplies then the girls helped me move 6 of the 9 horses back home. It was a bit of a task as they ran thru 120 acres including a muddy bog but we had success after they penned themselves.
 way out in the boonies.. but one rider returns with 2 ponies
Britt ran to town to pickup jeans then Shaina went a bit later to visit with Gail. I enjoyed relaxing with Netflix and it seems I only have 2 more episodes in the Dexter series, then what??

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