Friday, October 25, 2013

913 - head cold go away

Day 913 was a better sleep for all but my head cold seemed worse when I woke, UGH. A big semi and trailer stopped early to deliver our replacement tub for quad trailer. Sheldon delivered hot coffee and creamer in bed which helped to take the edge off, tylenol and cold fx too. Today is flex Friday so Britt enjoyed a sleep in along with Shaina.

I took a couple pictures of the desk and chair inside and posted
It was then time to get to work painting my hutch and buffet black. Sheldon ran to town for gate parts and groceries. He was kind enough to be a personal shopper at the rummage sale. He scored me a pedestal table but had liked a rocking chair and poo pooed a mirror with frame saying looked old which once I saw the picture wished I would have seen prior to his leaving. This is huge folks as he usually complains about the furniture stock in the garage. Thanks dear! (but the mirror would  have been awesome)

My frame winner and custom sign girl stopped to pick up her treasures. It is nice to see things go to such excited customers. I received a reply from the vets to an email I sent about swollen nodes on the horses necks and she wanted temperatures so both girls came out and helped me take temperatures on most of the horses. All seemed normal so think we will just keep an eye on them at this point.
Sheldon arrived home and after a quick lunch I was back out painting, Sheldon started his gate project, Shaina left for work and Britt disappeared. I did convince her to go fill mineral tubs, take dogs for a walk and check the cat house. The day was gorgeous yet again with high of 16 and no wind and lots of sun.. ahhhh the good life.
gate progress
 then Britt helps hang
 Pepper is non too impressed with this new installation
 Britt works her muscles to remove the old useless system
 and the drilling begins
 Britt uses her level in her new IPHONE 5
 but it seems like my furniture, hanging fences has a learning curve and mistakes too
 so another hole is drilled
 and they seem to look ok
 but minor adjustments are needed and the horses are right there to check out the workmanship
The evening was spent watching breaking bad after a hot soak in the tub to try and steam away my cold. Britt headed out to a party getting home by 1 and Shaina came home after work, changed and headed back to town at 10 and home after 2. Needless to say my sleep was very disrupted yet another night.

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