Tuesday, May 7, 2024

WIND and rain

What an ugly night of howling wind with an occasional blast of rain against the windows. Cooper made a quick dash out but Harley stayed on the step wanting to avoid the ugly weather. J was crying before 6 but after I let him in to feed along with the dogs at 8 he was back to crying there too. He is not happy alone so was put back outside with Stella. Coffee was needed today. S hit big brown with his laptop after his porridge and spent the morning there. I uploading photos and videos for yesterday and got it posted. Plants were watered inside while the weather rained off and on outside. The winds seemed to pick up even more in intensity. Of course Kaylin and Renn are coming to Strathmore today for a doctor appt at 11:30. Drive safe. Britt and Dave fly home today from Nashville too, fly safe!

How Cooper likes to spend his rainy days

videos of the process and wind

Only 1 victim so far in the removal process

S got dressed at 11 and headed out to take some bottles off the bottle tree. He is worried it is swaying more than normal. One even broke while taking some off. He checked gauge to find just over 1 inch of rain overnight. While out he opened the yard gate. Kaylin dropped Renn off before her doctor appointment seeing she has yet to sleep. They had swimming this morning at 9 which should have tuckered her out more but not this little busy bee. She was busy here too checking out toys, dogs and other curious things.

Nana put in new batteries but so far this one is not the hit it was with the Paetz kids :)

Renn checking out the pretty Nana and baby figurine they gave me for my birthday

Another surprise box of food was delivered and as we watched the gate S stepped in a puddle of water at the deck doors. Must be the wind/rain direction. Also 2 other evergreen trees I took stakes off are tipping to the south;( Kaylin was back as the courier was driving out. She took Renn for a short nap while S and I had a sandwich. Once up she had one too and kindly sugared my legs and arm pits. THANK YOU!

Sheldon was off to town to fill slip tank with fuel and meet a friend for coffee. He locked up the horses on his way by to town. Kaylin and I checked out the round tables I have in stock and visited before she and little miss Renn loaded up and headed home at 3.  Worked on marketing and accounting. S was back before 5 but was chatting with a fellow about solar in his truck. He checked the rain gauges again before coming in to find 2/10ths. I was prepping the first HF meal - cheesy stuffed chicken breasts with mashed sweet potatoes and salad. It was very tasty. Again another unplanned yet turned out good thing.

I continued working on tutorials and uploading the large videos I took of my table painting. S was watching 2nd round hockey but took a break to go close gate he left open earlier as wind was giving it a tough time. The rain let up around 9 but the wind continued to BLOW! We watched a movie called Bullet Train. Britt arrived from her week away before 10 to pick up Cooper quick and the rain was back on.

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