Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Table stripping underway

The deck was wet when I fed H this am and 4 degrees again. The frost blanket was removed and all looks good. Threw laundry in the out to the garage for me. S was online perusing the upcoming auction and such. The table top and leaves had stripper applied and left to start its process. The 4 chairs all had repairs of some sort - wood filler or wood glue. 

S emptied the last of the spray on the barn paddock and other random places around the yard. I headed outside to check my plants. I was pruning dead branches now showing up after leafing out. S started weed eating. I knew he was heading to Brittany tree so I went there to stop his weed eating and put everything out around it. I showed home the way to loosen the mulch we put in years ago under the trees and pull out the quack grass and weeds and bring the mulch back to life and out to the edge of the tree. We worked on trees in the north area.

I came in to the garage and scraped the finish off that took 2 1/2 hours to lift. There was some that did not so I added more and left it. S had come in to chop mushrooms and onions while I scraped the table. I then finished the  soup and cooked it in instant pot. While it cooked laundry was folded. We ate late after 1.

At 2:30 Harley loaded up and we were off to town. S dropped me at the lab to get my bloodwork done, he ran and picked up Cooper. A loop thru Tim’s to get an iced coffee then he dropped me at Can Tire while he ran and got wire to finish the hot wire thru the paddocks. We headed back to the ranch and got back to the trees and yard work. I scraped the last of the finish and scrubbed with water to neutralize while S ran the mower around to cut grass and chop the grass chunks up.

These new products were in a parcel at the gate. They are a charity project, now to decide how to use them. Any ideas??

I came in to order Harley's food after feeding her and Cooper. We were just finished eating leftover for supper when Sheldon's 65" TV was finally delivered. We got I put together and set up on the dresser in our room then I set it up using my google account. As well as setting up a home group. Britt was out at her usual 7:30 ish and rode Roo before she fed them. Good on her as it was blustery and not nice. She also put the cats in the shop tonight before she left. 

We perused some different services then watched the Voice finale with our yogurt bowls. We then started Mother of The Bride movie. We took a break after 9:30 for S to run water out to the barn and found it raining. Nice. After the movie ended S watched Formula 1 on the big screen and me YouTube on my iPad.

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