Monday, May 13, 2024

Flowers abound

Slow Monday morning with an overcast smokey sky. Harley again wanted out at 1:30 am ish but I guess if she has to go she has to go. I woke and played some brain games after 8 till the prince got coffee going. He went to spray weed areas in the middle paddock after his breakfast. 

he even read instructions!!

I spent the morning taking photos of photos of the girls in the clothes and finishing Saturday's post. This took all morning as they had to be cropped, edited, uploaded, compressed and watermarked and of course dated in my computer. Here are a few more memories.

I wonder if they gave a discount on that photo package?? I don't remember

After a salad lunch S was off to town at 12:30 to a rodeo work bee. I finished up my blogging which took a bit. Harley got a brush outside then a well needed scrub in the garage. The sun was starting to burn thru but still windy. Time to put away the huge container of baby clothes and the toys. This led to Britt’s room being cleaned. The closet was organized to get the stuff in there but first was vacuumed. As was the room, the sheet thrown in the laundry and the window ledge completely cleaned off and everything wiped.

S was back at 3:30 bringing Cooper with him and a couple library books. The wind had let up a bit more so I took a break and he and I walked the dogs and the cats ;) I dropped Sharon’s dewormer and vaccine at the gate for her to grab on the way by for Zelos. Back at the house S jumped on the quad and tried the paddock blade on fresher poop. It seemed to work OK making a pile in front of the shelter again which will need to be hand shoveled into the wagon. I did a bit of weeding then came in to get back to the bedroom tidy. S jumped on the lawn mower to give the yard a trim as things are growing fast.

the box frame repaired and the gardener at work

The bedding was ready to put back on but first I wanted to staple the dust cover on the bottom of the box springs. I pushed both off and got it tacked back in place. Then getting it back on was a bit of a challenge going back and forth on each side while maneuvering around the pulled out dressers but I did it. Then the mattress was easy. I used to creatively move my queen mattress around my room all the time as a kid. I got the bed remade just as Mom and Papa K arrived at 5:30. As usual they came bearing treasures. 2 blooming plants and supper of cabbage rolls and potato salad. I threw them in and we visited for an hour while they cooked. Britt and Dave arrived after 7 for supper too. And there was homemade cheesecake and berries leftover from the MH family Mother’s Day dinner. Lucky us!

The fellows went down stairs to watch hockey. Britt went to feed and Grama did her evening walk up the road and back. I tidied up then B & D headed home at 9. More strawberry planting videos for me before lights out.

kleenex anyone?

this little tongue :)

afraid of flowers??

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