Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Dave has his first foal

Wet and dreary out with  2/10ths in gauge when S checked while letting the cats out after his coffee and breakfast. I worked on sanding the table top and also tried the new dust free carbide scraper.

I had S help me by removing the broken table pegs while I scrubbed up the rails then salved and greased them. They slid allot smoother now.

see the difference sanding makes on this beauty wood table?

GoodFood arrived a day late with the box crushed and ice packs melted. Yep I got a refund.

B was out at noon but headed back in to get Cooper's food she forgot. S made tuna sandwiches which were tasty. Once B was back she fed Bird then we set off to see Dave's new baby. It is his first foal ever so very exciting. This was an adventure. We followed and parked truck at Langdon. Britt drove to the stables the new and 1 week old baby were at. This little guy is 6 hours old born to a maiden mom Susie. Isn't he sweet?

Dave named him Aristides after the first Kentucky Derby winner with the barn name Basil. I shall call him Baz :)

We also stopped to see the little filly too. Her mom is Lindy. Filly's name is Lay your money down, barn name cash :)

It was a short visit and we were off. B planned to drop us back at Langdon but her naturopath appointment was in 45 minutes and we were 48 min away from it. That is where we went. While she went to her appointment I drover thru Tim's get fetch us an iced coffee and B a latte. She then drove us to Langdon and headed back to the NW to meet her sisters and Renn for a girls supper out.

<3 <3 <3

Thanks Britt for these adorable photos

Back at the ranch it was leftovers for supper. I took the dogs for a walk when Sheldon left for yet another rodeo meeting at 6. I was bundled up in a winter coat. boots and toque. Soon the sun popped out and it was a spectacular night. I weeded the gardens, pruned some more dead tree branches, raked a big dead grass area and such then put the cats in the shop before coming in after 7:30. I was catching up the blog when Britt drove in. She and I went for a lovely ride.

Ruby Jr (AKA RJ) is setting flowers

While riding we saw the fox in the middle of the hay field and not the least bit bothered by us. Cooper was hot on his scent but was going in circles till he finally spotted him then off to the winery he went. We untacked and eat the horses go. B and Coop headed home and I inside. Sheldon arrived home from his meeting and beers just after I got in after 9. We went for a nice hot tub soak. After our showers we started a  show called Bodkin but stopped after the first episode.. not really interesting. The roast of Tom Brady was next. For me I miss allot not know football but S fell asleep half way thru which was 12:30 anyway so lights out.

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