Thursday, May 16, 2024

Crazy weather

It was a busy morning for us outside after our usual start. I finished loading videos and photos for Tuesday. S decided to try replacing the shingles himself so watched some YouTube last night and this am as well as had a call from a roofer for tips. He headed out to do that task. I scooped cat poop out of my front flower bed - gross! then loaded the straw in the wheelbarrow. The asparagus plants were mulched with it. Of course my supervisors were present while I worked and even had to taste the straw.

I had the help of a few people to outfit me today - hoody from Shaina, sweats from Dad and shoes from Sheldon

I moved on to digging dandelions in the peonies and back flower bed. Well I started. Some asters were pulled to give away. The rose bushes needed trimming so moved to that. I have a bit of a squirrel mentality while outside.

I love tulips and wish I planted the 100 others in ground vs in the front beds. I am going to plant more this fall.

all complete, new and the old

We finished up and came in for lunch. After lunch I was finally able to order the TV S wanted. He posted his remaining shingles for sale in case someone else only needed a few. Did you know shingles take 400 YEARS to degrade in a landfill?? And our local landfills will not take them. And in town they may but for a fee.

Shaina took Renn to the zoo today, so cute. She also picked up my glasses XOXO

and she is getting closer to walking

S was off to town at 1:30 to volunteer for more high school rodeo setup. Not long after he left dark clouds blew in and a hurricane wind. I ran out and picked up all the rose stems I cut and put in wagon and brought in cuttings. Guess where lots of my straw went?? :( Basement plant care was next soaking all my orchids and tossing 3 struggling plants. Some are just not worth it after so long. But after a few hours I repotted one and chopped another as an experiment and just tossed the spider plant. As I was watering I noticed the horses looking at something. They are great alerters. Sure enough a fox was crossing along the house paddock fence line. It sat and stared creepily at the house for a while too before moving on.

This dam TV is such a PITA.. I had to spend 20 minutes on hold to tell them they had the wrong delivery address but to get to the delivery company to tell them I waited 30 more minutes. Good thing I could work on the blog while on hold. The dark clouds left in short order and the sun was back but the winds howled. I finally braved it and went out to dig the plants for 2 folks wanting some. The first set of people arrived to get their perennials as I was just digging the last of them. This gal exchanged me 6 strawberry plants!! 

actual live strawberries, yeah and look at Ruby, she is all decked out in flowers, for 3 days now

I got them planted in the raised garden as well but this required digging out the remainder of the Siberian iris. Talk about timing as in short order the clouds darkened again and had H and I heading to the garage. This made her day as it was almost 5 and she was starving of course. I fed her and the 25 drops of rain was over. Back out to finish digging plants for the next lady. I took them to the gate for her pick up before 6. Britt is going to take the extra I dug... hopefully!

This is a rainbow after 5 and below is the dark skies rolling in after 7. I love sunshine with dark clouds in the back. Did not photograph well but looked cool in person.

The dark clouds were gone but the dang wind remains. I finished up yesterday’s blog post and got it live. S was home at 7:30 bringing pizza after his rodeo work bee and beers. Britt and Coop pulled in right behind him. We ate a couple pieces then darted out for a hot tub before the big hockey game. Britt was out feeding. I suggested she move the horses to the far paddock so she ran and closed the gate to winter pasture, caught Switch and the rest followed as she let her go in barn paddock and they raced to the far one. The weather was dark and looming and they were all worked up. She started the water to the trough over there and headed home as we were getting out.

The hockey had started so S jumped in for a quick shower after me and out to the game. I got into bed to watch garden videos. The rain started at 9 as S went out to turn off the water to the trough. It ended about the time he got back to the house ;( He too moved into bed to watch the game. Lights out after Edmonton lost.

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