Friday, May 3, 2024

Fertilizer goes on

Amazingly I did not wake for the day till just before 8:30. Dogs were fed and the planters actually pushed out later in the morning when it warmed to 5. Now it is only 1 degree. The sun was out so that is promising. The internet was down and after a call to provider found it was totally out in our area. No marketing or blogging for me. So I spent the morning packing up stuff for the thrift store and homeless and other organizing.

I forgot to share this video from Tuesday, it is my fav video of the week XOXO

S, along with Harley, headed to pick up a full fertilizer spreader from Mossleigh around 11. I was doing touch ups on the coffee table then tidying the garage. At 11:30 the rain started. In short order it turned to graupel and in 15 minutes all was over. This is how the day went, sunny then bouts of rain and so on.

S was back at 12:30 and in for lunch. I sorted socks to add to the homeless bag. As I was taking the socks and bigger bag to the car I missed the bottom few steps and hit the cement rolling my ankle. Gosh darn it!

I tried a bit of ice but that was not going to work for me to sit with nothing to do. The internet was still down and will be for the whole day it turns out. At 2, S headed out to hook up the spreader to the tractor and start spreading. I decided to get out and walk the dogs even if hobbling. They were needing an outing and I needed something to do. I was gate man for S. Rain came down, sun came out and so on. I had my boots on that caused a blister so hobbled even more back to the house and change to shoes.

I gave the dogs bones to keep them busy and put some bones on to simmer. I pulled dam quack grass from flower beds and poo scooped between the rain bouts. it is looking pretty green. And my horse is looking plump - darn the grass and her now even teeth LOL.

crazy weather

S finished up with fertilizer, put away tractor and hooked it up to the truck. I fed the dogs, grabbed us a beverage and went with him to return the spreader. We took a very short loop thru Mossleigh to check out the town and the Aspen Crossing campground before heading home.

my ankle

Back at the ranch, I started tacos while S went to move the coyote down the canal. They were so delicious but we only had 3 shells left, opps! There was some tostidos chips but only made another 1 for S. I made us a fruity yogurt bowl for dessert while we watched Shark Tank.

Then S was onto hockey and I feed Bird and Roo. Luckily S still had the ranger out so I did not have to walk to the winter pasture gate on my ankle. Tonight went way better and the evening was spectacular weather wise. Not a breath of wind. 

I had to stay out once back at the house and puts around weeding, dumping the deck compost bucket, rolling the planters back in the garage and such. The crew hung out with me too. 

kinda looks like Kentucky here too :)

S put the skid steer and ranger away during intermission then back to the game. Still no internet so I headed to bed to start my new library book - the Forbidden Daughter. It is a true Holocaust story. I read well after S fell asleep. The writing is basic but being a true story it keeps you reading.

someone else had a tough day too

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