Saturday, May 4, 2024

Kentucky Derby

Sunny start to the day, yeah!! I fed animals and watered/pushed out the planters before my second coffee. the internet was back up and running. Now I could get Thursdays blog finished and posted and yesterdays copied seeing I wrote part of it in notes offline. S perused his phone and laptop for all the news he missed yesterday. 

Look at these 2 snazzy derby goers

This sweet girl is 11 months already!!

and a gifted reader and writer too XOXO

We headed out before 11 to pitch the hay off the pastures where it is left. While others are cleaning ditches, we still are cleaning our paddocks. THANKS to all the ditch cleaners though. I saw the reflective vests come right up to our gate again. It sure is nice to have clean ditches in Alberta.

Harley even got in for the ride seeing the gun was taken out

We finished up before 1 coming in for lunch and a cold beer. S hit big brown for a rest and I blog catchup still and some brain games. We then got the Kentucky Derby programming going. The day was so lovely outside I suggested we move the TV out. This proved to be a challenge but eventually S got it working. I set up the cushions and snacks but the wind continued to blow off and on making it easy to go inside off and on too.

Sheldon submitted these 2 pics of his view of the race

The race was very exciting with 3 horses finishing within inches. And the favourite coming in 17th! How crazy! Supper was steak potatoes and salad. Perfect for the sunny day. Then it was time for game 7 between Boston and Maple Leafs. 

Roo seems to be losing weight

I fed the horses and while they ate raked the hay area up into a pile. S put the TV and cushions away then back to his game. I pulled in the planters and got to work on blogs. The hockey game #7 went into overtime!! And the Leafs ended up losing much to Sheldon's dismay and Dave's excitement I am sure. I read more of my book.

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