Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Digging in the dirt again

The ground was wet when S let Har out before 7. We actually went back to sleep until the travellers came up before 9. Coffee, porridge, toast and visiting filled the morning. There were a few raindrops on the window too. At 11 Sheldon drove Ma and Pa to the airport to set off on their big cruise adventure. I stayed behind and got busy with plants. The day was beauty out with sun and little wind. I watered the raised beds. I have potatoes and the latest peas peeking thru and lots of flower seeds. The strawberry roots were soaked while I worked on tidying up the new bag of Labyrinth dahlias. 3 were planted in the front planters. 2 assorted dinner plate dahlias were planted in the white front planters. The turquoise planters were moved into place and the carts put away. The new planters were trimmed up and all were watered well.

The pretty yellows from Mom K and purples are so pretty at the front door. Tulips are in full bloom as well as my bleeding heart in the back. The white bleeding heart is a no show ;(

soaking strawberry roots but the bundles look molding inside

S was back before 1 bringing Opa I had ordered for lunch. We ate it with a cold beer then headed outside. I had a plan for the asparagus along the garden shed. I put them in water to soak too. S helped me cut out the sod, toss it and replace with compost from the pit he scooped. Extra was dumped in barn paddock and I raked as he dumped. On his way to get another load he lifted me in the bucket to trim 2 branches on the willow. I also scooped the hay pile into the bucket for him to take all to the pit.

Before, then the sod removed

compost added and the back side before

The back side of the shed was jacked up and we put rails under it to lift the back end that was sunk down. I put broke raises along the back to shore a wall to stop dirt. S brought another bucket full to put in the back. I got it raked in place and the extra put in that paddock. 

see the back end is lower?

the 3rd plan was jack it up manually

and we always have lots of supervisors on our ranch projects

compost added to low areas in the paddocks

I put old rails in place to block the good dirt from filling under the shed

S was back with a fresh load of compost

the 15 asparagus plants were planted then watered in well

S headed off to mow the lane and gate/ditch area. I planted 15 asparagus bare roots. Then set up the sprinkler and let it run to soak thoroughly. I moved on to the strawberries. The bag says do not plant where potatoes have been but to make sure no wind and lots of sun. This place is the raised beds so that is what I did. They looked moldy and small so not sure they even will grow but I planted all 30 around the outside of the long bed. S was back and helped me lay out the new soaker hose in it to water them. It worked great. He also quickly repaired the 2 breaks in the old soaker hoses. 1 he stepped on during the wind taking bottles off and it snapped.

so tiny, will they grow??

time will tell I guess. They are all around the outside of this bed

look at all these black starlings?? bathing in the water

S has a new dash ornament :)

new soaker hose works good

Auntie Shaina took Renny for ice cream

At first she wasn't sure about the cold but she came back for more. Ice cream lover in the making

It was time to come in and cook supper as after 6. I cooked up a “what’s in the fridge” goulash. S chopped the fresh mushrooms to be the feature flavour which S loved. We were watching Canada's Got Talent finale when B arrived at 7:30. S switched to the hockey game. I joined her for a ride on such a beauty night. The dogs came along for the loop around the hay field then Har went to rest. Cooper stuck with us on our rounds in the winter pasture.

While B fed Bird, I picked dandelions for the horses and some weeds in the garden. B headed home before 9:30.  I came in, changed and headed to soak in the hot tub. Oilers were winning so S joined me. Back inside Vancouver scored as we walked in. And again after our showers. The Oilers won as we ate our yogurt bowls and I typed up today's blog. We caught the CGT finale last half. Not who we thought should win but good for the young Native gal.

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