Friday, May 17, 2024

Rain day

Brr 4 degrees and dreary upon waking. We are out of creamer too so only 1 coffee for me. S got on his laptop after his porridge. I did accounting and worked on getting yesterday's blog done. I finished up after 11 just as the rain finally started. Oopps I was going to reset my tomato plants deeper after watching tomato planting videos last night. You can even lay the long stalked ones on their side!! I donned Sheldons big yellow coat and went and put them deeper and moved the planters into the rain.

The rain is coming down good, a nice soaking type of rain. We headed to town grabbing groceries, creamer then lunch and a hot tea. I ran into the $$ store to get candy to add to Ada's birthday gift. Today she turns 11. Happy birthday sweet girl! XOXO

A painter friend met me there and I gave her a box full of paint and products to try I had in excess. Cooper was picked up next and a library book dropped off. I grabbed some green onions that looked sad left over from the plant exchange on Saturday. Score if they live as I wanted to get some seed onions. We headed south grabbing the mail then a couple rolls of wire from Grady. I want to make a zucchini/flower trellis between raised beds. We were back at the ranch at 2.

The rain let up shortly after I planted the 11 green onions around the tomato plants. S checked the gauge and we have had 3/10ths. He also found this nest some hard working birds have been building. He has been leaving the big shop doors open all day lately. Unfortunately for them, he will be taking it down.

My original plan was for a cattle panel arched trellis but the panels are $100. This wire we picked up is very soft so we will need to build a frame. S found these rafter boards he kept hat should work.

I worked on the blog then finished Britt's room cleaning. Kaylin's room was next. The bed was stripped and washed then the window sill and items on it all washed down. These poor window sills with their bubbled MDF finish ;( I had S take a break from his podcast to help me turn the mattress in K’s room and help make the bed. It is fresh and ready for guests. 

This cross stitch was dome by my good friend Lori B when Kaylin was born. Looks like I need to paint the frame.

I prepped more seeds to plant. I am trying to sprout zucchini and cucumber seeds in wet paper towel to jumpstart the delay due to weather. I planted some of my soaked corn seeds with the 1 only germinated tomato seed. S ran the vacuum around the main floor while I did seed stuff.

I made a pot of hamburger soup for supper. B had some when she arrived after 7 as well. S was engrossed with hockey for the evening. I headed out to check and lift the strawberry bare roots, watered a planter that had no rain sheltered by the hot tub and deck walls. I then dug a bucket of dandelions and took to the horses. B fed her horses and was off. There was a lovely brief sun golden hour bit while we were out. I came in and was engulfed in sorting all the CD's we have. So many cases have no CD's but think I saw a hardcover container in the trailer when cleaning. Will check there when nice out.

Kim D text asking for our Canasta rules so here they are for anyone else wanting to play it

I did some blog catch up then headed to bed to watch more gardening videos- there is so much interesting tips and information online. S was watching hockey in TV room but moved upstairs to watch in bed but it went into overtime with him falling asleep 

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