The winds had blown all night, creating a super soft yet slippery snow-covered paddock when I went out to give Switch her morning medication. I made an iced coffee and got to work finishing up yesterday’s blog. S got ready and headed to church at 9:30. I jumped in the shower and prepared for the day ahead. The Boysis family is visiting us today, and I’m looking forward to seeing them all.
B was out to drop Cooper off just before S returned from church at 11:30. She’s off to yet another escape room with work friends this time. After publishing yesterday’s post, I cooked up a pot of mushroom soup for a later lunch. Despite the beautiful sunny high of 9 degrees, the persistent wind continued.
B returned from her adventure around 2:30. She fed and trimmed the roosters’ feet. Kaylin, Nathan, and little Miss Renn arrived around 3, and the fun began. She’s such a busy little bee. She opened her belated Christmas gift from the Paetz’s—a handmade Bluey toy and a Bluey-themed water book.
S napped in big brown bed while the rest of us played some Tantrix. However, Renn was certain that Bapa should wake up after completing her puzzles and helping to pick tiles.
Once everyone was gone, I tidied up the toys and snacks while S washed up all the pots and pans watching the game. I got busy finishing the little table tutorial, which will be published tomorrow. During the first intermission, S went out to find Jenkins, who was hunkered down in the straw. He then headed to the TV room to continue the game.
I finished up the tutorial and today’s post at 7:30. I went to check if the horses were in, but there was no luck. So, I swept and scrubbed the garage stairs while waiting. Then, I sourced a flashlight because my phone light was like a candle when I went out to check at the shelter.
I mixed up the meds, but that went haywire. The pressure in the syringe shot meds all over the wall and clean horse blanket. The tip was clogged, so I needed a thin screwdriver to unplug it. Eventually, I got the pills dissolved and the syringe ready, along with a halter and an apple. Harley was forced to come along because there was no walk today, so we headed out into the darkness. There was no moon whatsoever.
Of course, the horses were at the pit hay, so I walked the road. Harley, the big chicken, didn’t come along, but she eventually arrived as I was giving Switch her meds. The follow-up apple wasn’t enjoyed as much as usual because of the drugs on it, but most of it went down.
Harley, of course, beat me back to the house. I stopped to fix the solar light on the gate that always goes off, then went into the garage to clean up the syringe and other stuff. I quickly stopped down in the TV room to watch the hockey game as they were about to win. Seeing it’s not 9 o’clock yet, I’ll finish this blog and head into relax in bed. I started a new series about biggest Instagram scammers which was about the real life person in ACV. When S came up we started a Ransom episode but both got tired so it was lights out.
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