This morning, the temperature dropped to a bone-chilling -26 degrees Celsius. It feels like this extreme cold front will persist indefinitely. To combat the frigid weather, I sought solace in a warm cup of coffee while browsing Instagram.
Meanwhile, S received a call from the doctor, who suspects that Papa may require another knee flush later today. As a result, I’ve shifted my focus to working on this week’s marketing tutorials. After completing the first two, I’ll resume working on the remaining two after feeding the pets. After finishing my work, I applied a third coat of stain oil to the table and left to dry.
At 1 p.m., I headed to town to watch Archie’s hockey game. S was on the phone and decided to stay home. Britt ventured out to feed the pets and discovered that Switch’s nose had worsened, prompting a visit to the vet next week. After the thrilling 22-2 game, where Archie scored three goals, I returned home. S was out to venture out to shovel snow when I arrived and plow the laneway.
I resumed working on the tutorial and then headed to the garage to polish the brass toe caps for the table. S finished up and came in for a beer before 4 p.m. as I struggled to make the toe caps shine. At least the drawer pull turned out gleaming, I suppose. He then returned to exploring new TV options, while I spent some time learning Spanish and working on my computer, completing today’s blog.
Despite the freezing temperatures, Harley needed some exercise, so I took her for a walk to the gate and back. I then prepared the last HF meal of the week: salmon tacos. They were delicious. The Canada vs. USA game was the highlight of the evening for S. After watching the first three fights in the first three seconds of the game, he moved to the TV room to watch the rest. I finished the series I had started yesterday, called Surface, and it seems there might be a second season. I checked the score a few times, but unfortunately, we lost. Before going to bed, we watched another episode of Shrinking.
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