It appears Cooper had an upset stomach because I found a large poop splat outside our door when I was about to make coffee before 8 a.m. Harley was in the garage all night, and S never went for a glass of milk, but he did get up a couple times to use the bathroom. Fortunately, neither of them stepped in it. I sent Cooper outside, and then I started cleaning up the yucky smelling mess. Then, S helped out and mopped the floor then went to the island and his laptop.
I fed the animals (poor Copper never ate) and let the dogs out, but when I returned, the house still had a strong smell of poop. Investigating, I discovered that the new rug on the deck had a pile of poop too. So, I took the rug to the garage, hosed it off, and then machine-washed it. Meanwhile, S took the dogs for a walk to the gate to open it for the bison customers who were arriving today. I also packaged up the bone broth that I had been brewing overnight.
The first buyer arrived around 10 a.m. coming in with Sheldon for a visit and shop tour. Meanwhile, I sanded the small table and wrote a tutorial for the laundry window frame. Throughout the day, more buyers came in. John and Kari visited, and neighbour Mark drove through for a quick grab-and-go. B was out to feed Cooper and take him home to settle his tummy with some pumpkin. S and I sorted the meat in the freezers to make room for our portion and bones. It seems we’ll need freezer space because one buyer from up north won’t be able to make it until the end of the month. Luckily weather is on our side for that and all below freezing for the rest of the month so safe to put in the mez. I hand-sanded the fold-down edges of the small table and sanded the milk painted rest. It’s now ready to be sealed and stained on top.
The last customer of the day arrived at 3 p.m. They had a visit in the freezing sunshine before heading off. While S worked on updating the bison spreadsheet, I worked on today's blog post. I also chatted with Mom K to get an update on Papa, who had a restless night and was quite tired today. He may need an MRI on his knee for things will become clearer on Monday. Nathan also has an MRI scheduled for Monday, and Grama has a telemedicine appointment with her heart specialist. Looks like Monday is medical day.
I made scrumptious pork chops in a delectable mushroom sauce, which were undoubtedly the best pork chops we’ve ever had. Jarrod grew some incredibly tasty pigs this year. The dish was paired with quinoa and fresh sprouts, which finally gave S a chance to try them. I’ve been eating out of the jar for a few days now. ;) Harley was thrilled to have gotten a deer leg bone earlier, and for supper, she enjoyed a bison tongue, heart, and liver combo with the leftover pork roast. This dog eats well—as does Cooper on most days, but he seems to be feeling unwell today after his stomach ache.
Hockey consumed S for the rest of the evening, leaving him disappointed with another Flames loss. Meanwhile, I watched the Morning Show comfortably in bed while doing some Spanish lessons and brain games on the side.
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